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Anele Sachparonian and the Life of a European student of Northumbria University

I am a postgraduate student from Lithuania, so weather doesn’t bother me, in my country is cold and rainy too. I am from the small city, but actually in Lithuania it is not that small, but it’s small.

However, I did my undergraduate and lived in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuanian. In one of the oldest universities in Europe and second oldest universities in East Europe, and from that one sentence you can see that my undergraduate was in Cultural history and anthropology and that my mind is full of fun or useless facts (you decide).

A lot of people say that they loved to travel from a young age, and with me it is true. I am half Lithuanian half Armenian, so the passion for different cultures was in my blood from the start. The first time I traveled alone was when I was 15 and I went on a bus trip to France, but it wasn’t straight to France and back. It was trough Budapest in Hungary, Venice in Italy and Prague in Czech, so almost 6 days on the bus wasn’t the most fabulous time in my life but then I understood that I can go through a lot just to see different places and cultures. I went on that trip 3 more times. And then I become 18 I started to travel on my own, preferably by planes. I never been anywhere really far or exotic, but it’s definitely on my list. And while I can I travel around Europe, there is definitely is what to see.

Last year I did an internship in Barcelona, Spain. Magical 10 months in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. And I did it in museum of archeology and quite quickly understood that probably is not my calling, that’s why I choose to do Creative and Culture Industries Management, because I still am in love with culture and what can it give to people, but now I know that I want to promote and manage culture, not just clean the dust from bones. And I thought that this course will provide me with knowledge and freedom. And after just 2 months I can confirm that it is true, that’s why I want future postgraduate to find out about this course. And I hope that Northumbria University and being Postgraduate Digital Content Creator will help me show you how much community can help you to grow and discover about yourself and about what you want to do.

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