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A Day in the Life of a Law Student

Zigwai Akut Study

Hubstar Zigwai gives you an insight to life of a Law student at Northumbria University!

The course I’m studying? Why did I choose it? Best parts?
I first decided I wanted to do Law when I was fourteen, I admired those who stand up for others- driven by the need to defend. I’m attracted to criminal law, my late grandfather was a Judge in Nigeria, so it was also a bonus to choose a career path in my family to honour him. I suppose I find it thrilling discovering the dynamics of law; how it poses controversial questions and different interpretation of the law, that’s the fundamentals of our society. I experienced this first-hand when I had the opportunity to play a magistrate in a mock trial at Northumbria Open Day. Definitely one of the many things I enjoy about the course is coming across famous case laws and the verdicts- some are truly unbelievable!

My view on student services!
I had a bumpy start to University, my student loan just came in November! During this time I had to call the student loans company who told me a technical glitch happened with my application (Perfect!), I called Northumbria student helpline who were so understanding and helpful in supplying information to the student loans company, their services were quick and efficient.

Amazing academic staff!
The staff at Northumbria are super friendly, it makes writing an email to your tutors very relaxed as they’re so understanding. This makes the course so much easier when you have a bond with your personal tutors. Seminars and workshops are always worth going to as it helps clarify some blurry bits from lectures and it’s also a perfect time to speak to your tutor! I recently had a meeting with my personal tutor where we discussed my progress, he also gave me valuable advice on the best times for my placements at Law firms, and I also got the chance to express my interest in the study abroad which I got plenty information on.

Group projects are like…
Group work is a fundamental part in the world of work, I like how the course gives us both individual and collaborative work, it gives us a flavour. You also get to meet and make new friends in your group as you’re working close on an assignment. My group have recently won chocolate from a competition on our assignment!

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