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Non-Assessed Placements

Our BA Primary Education Year 1 and Year 2 students undertake non-assessed placements, details which can be found below.

Please click HERE to find further information about submitting offers.


BA First Year - Initial Placement

Dates: 6 week block - 3 weeks starting 9 January to 27 January 2023 followed by  3 weeks starting 27 February to 17 March 2023. 

Placement Setting: 3 weeks in both (3-7 age phase - EYFS and KS1) and (7-11 age phase - KS2) 

Amount Payable to school: £600 per pair of students

Further information

The focus of this placement is to allow the student to gain an understanding of teaching across all key stages through the development of skills and interventions, with individual children, small groups and, intermittently, throughout the placement, with  whole  classes  to  allow  them  to  make an informed decision regarding their chosen path in year 2 and 3 of the programme; to focus on specialising in 3-7 years or 7-11 years. As such, students must spend one half of their placement in one age-phase and the second half in another - with the change-over taking place w/c 27th February 2023. 

The students will require the opportunity throughout the placement to teach in a range of classes autonomously and as part of a team. They will begin to plan, teach and manage children's learning across the primary curriculum with appropriate support from experienced professionals. It is expected that BA1 students will teach phonics each day wherever possible.

Students will have a series of tasks to complete whilst on placement, but are assessed by the University through presentation of a learning profile of one pupil's development throughout the time that they are in school. 

Schools are required to submit a brief placement report at the end of each phase.


BA Second Year - Non-assessed (with BR@P)

Dates: 4 week block - starting 21 November - 16 December 2022. 

Please note that by committing to host students for this placement, you are also committing to host them for their intermediate placement in the Spring term (January – March).

Students are trained to deliver an accredited reading intervention programme and work with identified pupils from KS1 or Lower KS2 over 20-days throughout the placement. The student needs to have regular time to plan and teach each day that they are in school, albeit non-assessed. This may be the foundation subjects. This will support the students’ understanding and preparation for their 8-week block placement within the same school from January, where 50% of the timetable is expected to be taught.

Placement Setting: EYFS, KS1 or KS2 

Amount Payable to school: No funding available 

Further information

Usually, two students are placed in the same class and share the planning and delivery of lessons. Team-teaching is encouraged on this placement. The requirement of this placement is to allow the trainees to carry out some whole class teaching and group teaching within the classroom. The whole class teaching element of the day will be non-assessed and come from the class teacher’s planning. The students will familiarise themselves with whole school and class planning and assessment systems to understand how medium term, short term and assessment for learning feed into the plan/assess cycle for pupil progress. They will begin to plan, teach and manage children’s learning across the primary curriculum, with  appropriate  support  from  experienced  professionals.

The BR@P (Boosting Reading @ Primary) intervention is delivered over three or four days per week in either KS1 or lower-KS2 (with children out of the host class if more appropriate) The students will be trained in BR@P (Boosting Reading@ Primary) strategies and will provide weekly support to identified children.

Students will have a series of tasks to complete whilst on placement.

Schools are required to submit a brief placement report.


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