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Prof Chrisje Brants


Department: Northumbria Law School

After 6 years at the department of criminology in Amsterdam as a contract researcher, she moved to the Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology, Utrecht University to become a lecturer in criminal law and procedure. Since 1997, she has been professor of criminal law and criminal procedure there, and was head of department until 2006. She became professor at Northumbria University (part time) in October 2013, to her delight rounding off her academic career on the Tyne, where she was born. She now alternates between England and the Netherlands, living six months of the year in each country.

Given her bi-national/bi-lingual and multidisciplinary background, Chrisje has always been interested in the comparison of legal cultures, in particular from a multidisciplinary perspective. She collaborates intensively with different groups of international scholars, which has resulted in numerous books and other publications in leading journals and is a regular guest speaker at international conferences. She is a member of the Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé and the Dutch Association for International Comparative Law, was co-founder and board member of the Dutch-Flemish Association of Criminal Law, and is a fellow of the European Law Institute.

Chrisje Brants

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • A comparative Analysis of Anglo-Dutch approaches to “cyber policing”: checks and balances fit for purpose?, Brants, C., Jackson, A., Wilson, T. Oct 2020, In: The Journal of Criminal Law
  • New Wine in Old Bottles: Alternative Narratives of Cybercrime and Criminal Justice?, Brants, C., Johnson, D., Wilson, T. 1 Oct 2020, In: The Journal of Criminal Law
  • Prosecutorial Penal Sanctions in the Netherlands, Brants, C. 26 Jan 2018, CJC and Max Plank Institute Conference
  • Prosecutorial Sanctions in the Netherlands, Brants, C. Nov 2018, Alternative Systems of Crime Control, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot
  • Emotional Discourse in a Rational Public Sphere: The Victim and the International Criminal Trial, Brants, C. 2 Nov 2017, Transitional Justice and the Public Sphere: Engagement, Legitimacy and Contestation, Bloomsbury
  • Faces of Truth: Journalism, Justice and War, Brants, K., Brants, C. 2 Nov 2017, Transitional Justice and the Public Sphere: Engagement, Legitimacy and Contestation, Bloomsbury
  • Communicating the ICC: Imagery and image-building in Uganda, Brants, C., Brants, K., Gould, L. 31 Aug 2016, Transitional Justice, London, Taylor & Francis
  • Culpability compared: Mental capacity, criminal offences and the role of the expert in common law and civil law jurisdictions, Brants, C., Jackson, A., Koenraadt, F. 1 Dec 2016, In: Journal of International and Comparative Law
  • Slaapstoornissen in strafzaken vanuit rechtsvergelijkend perspectief [Sleep disturbance in criminal cases from a comparative perspective], Brants, C., Jackson, A., Koenraadt, F. Dec 2016, Gestoorde slaap Een onschuldig probleem?, Wolf Legal Publishers
  • Truth-finding, procedural traditions and cultural trust in the Netherlands and England and Wales: when strengths become weaknesses, Field, S., Brants, C. 5 Oct 2016, In: The International Journal of Evidence & Proof

Law PhD September 01 1991

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