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While at Northumbria

While at Northumbria


Student Life

Please see the link to Student Life for further information whilst you are at Northumbria University;

Further useful information is provided below too;

Student Support & Wellbeing

The Student Support & Wellbeing induction video is live and available via YouTube. The video contains key information about all of SSWs specialist services and can be found here.

Student’s Union

Clubs and Societies

Sports Central

Transcript Information

Finalised confirmed results from your studies are not available until July of the relevant Academic Year due to Northumbria University’s Exam Board procedures.

Students studying in September Semester will receive a transcript in March which can be followed by an official ‘confirmed’ transcript in July.

Students studying in the January semester will receive their transcript in July.

Academic results in the form of a transcript will be sent as a pdf. Students will need to make their own individual arrangements with the Faculty Office for any hardcopy assignment feedback to be returned to the student after the student has left campus.

Additional Transcript Copies

After your exchange, if you require copies of your Northumbria transcript to apply for further education such as Graduate School or a Master’s programme, certified copies can be ordered for £5 each from the following link: Transcripts

If you require transcripts to be sent to more than one address or institution please email the Transcript & Certificate team directly to discuss the request using:

Students should make note of this fact for future reference.

The Road Home

This page been designed to help you take the first steps towards your 'new life' back home.

Preparing to go home will help to guide you through the practical stages of leaving the UK.

Preparing for change may help you to evaluate your time here in the UK and prepare you for personal re-adjustment to your own culture.

Not all of the pages may be relevant to your personal circumstances, but the information and advice will hopefully help you to consider what your next steps should be and the issues that you may face during this important phase of your journey.

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