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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences - Information for Applicants

The information below is relevant to you if you have applied for one or more of the following programmes:

Nursing Studies (all fields), Midwifery Studies, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Operating Department Practice, Social Work, Primary and Secondary Education.

Why is a valid form of photographic identification required?

You have applied for a course for which there are professional standards laid down by the relevant professional body, which requires the University to check the identity of all applicants who attend for interview. In order to do this, you must bring to the interview either:

  •  a current, valid passport
  •  a current, valid photo ID driving licence.

If you do not have a current, valid passport or photo ID driving licence, then the University will accept a passport sized photograph of you. This photograph must:

  •  have been taken recently
  •  be signed by a countersignatory
  •  be accompanied by a letter from your countersignatory on official paper confirming that the photograph you have supplied is a true likeness of you.

Who can be a countersignatory?

Your countersignatory: 

  •  should have known you for at least two years
  •  should live in the UK
  •  should not be related to you by birth or marriage
  •  should not be in a personal relationship with you
  •  should not live at the same address as you. 

Your countersignatory should be a professional person or a person of good standing in the community. The following list gives examples of the type of person that would be suitable: 

  •  Accountant
  •  Airline pilot
  •  Articled clerk of a limited company/Assurance agent of a recognised company
  •  Bank/building society official
  •  Barrister
  •  Chairman/director of limited company
  •  Chiropodist
  •  Commissioner of oaths
  •  Councillor (local or county)
  •  Civil servant (permanent)
  •  Dentist
  •  Director/manager of a VAT-registered charity
  •  Director/manager/personnel officer of a VAT-registered company
  •  Engineer (with professional qualifications)
  •  Financial services intermediary (eg stockbroker or insurance broker)
  •  Fire service official
  •  Funeral director
  •  Insurance agent (full-time) of a recognised company
  •  Journalist
  •  Justice of the Peace
  •  Legal secretary (fellow or associate member of the Institute of Legal Secretaries and PA’s)
  •  Licensee of a public house
  •  Local government officer
  •  Manager/personnel officer of a limited company
  •  Member, associate or fellow of a professional body
  •  Member of Parliament
  •  Merchant Navy officer
  •  Minister of a recognised religion (including Christian Science)
  •  Nurse or midwife (with current NMC registration)
  •  Officer of the armed service
  •  Optician
  •  Paralegal (certified paralegal, qualified paralegal or associate member of the Institute of Paralegals
  •  Pharmacist
  •  Professional photographer
  •  Police officer
  •  Post office official
  •  President/secretary of a recognised organisation
  •  Salvation Army officer
  •  Social worker
  •  Solicitor
  •  Surveyor
  •  Teacher/lecturer
  •  Trade union official
  •  Travel agent (qualified)
  •  Valuer or auctioneer (fellow and associate member of the incorporated society
  •  Warrant Officers and Chief Petty Officers.


What if I don't bring a valid form of ID?

If you don't bring a valid form of ID with you it may not be possible to interview you. In the event that you do not bring an acceptable form of photographic identification with you, the University will accept no liability for costs incurred by you in travelling to your interview. If you feel that you will not be able to provide an accepted form of photographic identification, please contact Applicant Services on 0191 406 0901 or email for further advice.

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