EnMaR Research Projects

You can explore current research projects from the EnMaR group on the Department of Geography and Environmental Science’s interactive globe here

A sample of funded research projects from members of the EnMaR group:

ISOPERM – funded by The Leverhulme Trust, a multidisciplinary collaborative research project investigating the stability of permafrost in Siberia throughout the last 2 million years

PI: Dr Sebastian Breitenbach

Northumbria Investigators: Dr Stuart Umbo, Dr Ola Kwiecien, Jade Robinson, Dr Sevi Modestou

CADTIME: Clean Air for Delhi Through Interventions, Mitigations and Engagement – a joint UK-India project funded by NERC, aiming to understand what is required to deliver significant reductions in levels of air pollution in Delhi

PI: Prof Anil Namdeo

As Good as (G)Old? Comparing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of Restored and Natural Mangrove Forests in the Wallacea Region (CoReNat) – funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), this project explores the legacy of past environmental change and human impact on mangroves and assesses how effective mangrove restoration projects are in re-establishing biodiversity and ecosystem functions

Co-I: Prof. Ulrich Salzmann

Climate Change: It’s In Our Hands – funded by NERC, this outreach project is producing a climate change education resource, co-designed by experts in climate science, games design and science outreach with primary school children and teachers. The board game produced enables players to explore the complexities of climate change in an engaging and accessible way, fostering discussions on what schools and children can do

PI: Dr Emma Hocking

Co-I: Dr Matthew Pound

Exploring the subterranean world for records of West African rainfall – this National Geographic funded project brings together researchers from Cameroon, Gabon, Nigeria, UK, Austria and Morocco to explore how the West Africa monsoon responded to past climate changes in order to improve our ability to forecast how it will respond to climate changes in future

PI: Prof. Mike Rogerson

Fungi in a Warmer World – NSF-NERC funded project investigating how fungi responded to past climate change to inform how fungal ecosystems globally may change in future with increasing global temperatures

PI: Dr Matthew Pound

Home Biome – a global research initiative to obtain baseline data on chemicals and microbial communities in regular households via a global citizen science-academic partnership

PIs: Prof. Jane Entwistle & Prof. Anil Namdeo

Maya Archaeology and Palaeoecology Partnership Project – funded jointly by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), this project examines the complex relationship between ancient Maya society and climate change.

PI: Prof. Bronwen Whitney

SuDS+ - a Defra-funded project exploring new approaches to community-led Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems in North East England

PI: Dr Ed Rollason

Trees in limestone regions: exploring carbon capture and release - funded by The Woodland Trust, and in collaboration with Newcastle University and the University of Texas, this project aims to understand whether new woodland forest areas in the UK will cause more sinking of carbon to the ocean, or release it to the atmosphere.

PI: Prof. Mike Rogerson

Co-Is: Dr Vasile Ersek, Dr Paul Mann & Dr Miranda Prendergast-Miller