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Alisha - Santander University Scholarship recipient

Name: Alisha Bishop 

Course: International Relations MA conflict & security 

Scholarship: Santander University Scholarship

What was it about Northumbria University that made you want to study here?

I am career driven and knew that completing a degree would allow me the best access to successful career opportunities. Also, Northumbria University is a highly regarded and reputable University that is only a short drive from my home, so it was a no brainer that I applied.

What do you like about studying at Northumbria?

The library facilities are great, I live in a busy household and so struggle to work from home. The library is open 24/7 and has endless computers/study areas making it my go to for studying. The content of my course is based on contemporary state relations, global events, state responses etc making each day different. The course is highly engaging and interesting, and I love how much knowledge and insight I have gained into global events such as the ongoing Russian/Ukraine war. It has motivated me further to enter a career in the sector of intelligence or humanitarian. 

What benefits has the scholarship provided?

The scholarship has given me a huge confidence boost and made me realise the potential of my capabilities. Prior to receiving the scholarship, I often doubted myself and even did not consider that I would ever actually succeed in being rewarded the scholarship. It’s has also helped me out financially and enabled me to focus more time on my studies, as opposed to juggling my part time employment alongside my course. It has also boosted my CV greatly. 

What are your future goals? Has your course or the scholarship helped shape/influence this?

Following completion of my degree I want to enter a graduate job or internship related into the intelligence or humanitarian sector.

If you could give advice to somebody considering university, what would it be?

Go for it, not only do you experience student life, but you also gain access to career opportunities that you likely would not have been able to access without attending university. As well as learning from top lecturers/researchers you meet so many new people and make friends for life.

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