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GDPR - Privacy Notices

University of Northumbria at Newcastle is a registered Data Controller (Registration Number: Z7674926)

The University processes personal data in line with our obligations under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and any data provided to the University will be treated with confidence and processed in accordance with the rights provided to individuals under GDPR.

One of our obligations is to be transparent and accountable to the individuals whose data we process and deliver against their “right to be informed”. This means that we are required to provide information to them via a Privacy Notice, which describes what data we collect about them, where we get it from, what we do with it an what a legal basis for doing it is. It also communicates how we will store their data and what rights they have in relation to our processing.

The University has produced several separate privacy notices outlining the extent of our processing activities for different individuals or their relationships with the University.

Privacy notices are made available to individuals either at the point of capture (where they are providing the data themselves) or, where data is received via a third party (such as LUCAS) the relevant notice will be sent out to them no later than within one moth of receipt of the data.  

For full transparency on the different processing undertaken by the University, we have published all of them here in one place. Please note that these are subject to annual review, and may be subject to change:

Notice Audience

Enquirer and Applicant Privacy Notice

This privacy notice covers the processing data of enquirers and applicants to study at Northumbria University

Student Privacy Notice

This privacy notice covers the processing of student data at Northumbria University
Counselling and Mental Health Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers the processing of data of students who register with our Counselling and Mental Health Service
Accommodation Privacy Notice  This privacy notice covers the processing of individuals applying to and living in University accommodation
Employee Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers the processing of staff data at Northumbria University, This includes anyone employed on a temporary or contract basis
Job Applicant Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers the processing of data for enquirers and applicants seeking employment  with Northumbria University
Research Participant Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers the processing of research participant data and should be read in conjunction with a participant information sheet
Staff Research Excellence Submission Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers the processing of current staff and former employee data for the Submission to the Research Excellence Framework
External Engagements Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers the processing of data for our Business, Research and “other” Professional partnerships
Library External Users Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers the processing of data for external users of our library
Sport Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers the processing of data for past, current and prospective Northumbria Sport members, facilities users, volunteers and interns, and registered activity participants
Graduate and Placements Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers the processing of individuals using our Graduate employment service and employees of Graduate service or Placement providers
Student Law Office Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers the processing of data in relation to clients of Northumbria University Student Law Office
Advancement Office Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers the processing of data in relation to members of the Northumbria University Alumni Association
PURE Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers the processing of data in relation to publication of Research profiles through PURE
Research Excellence Framework Impact Studies

This privacy notice covers the processing of data in relation to individuals participating in impact assessments studies to support the Research Excellence Framework (REF)

Finance Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers processing of data in relation to financial transactions
Unacceptable Behaviour Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers processing data in relation to individuals submitting reports of unacceptable staff or student behaviour to the University
International Mobility Privacy Notice  This privacy notice covers the processing of data for applicants to the International Mobility Scheme 
Time Lapse Privacy Notice This privacy notice covers the time lapse placed on our campus

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