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Professor Richard Fu


Department: Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering

Richard (YongQing) Fu is a professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Environment, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK. He obtained his BSc/MSc from Xian University of technology, China, and a PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and then worked as a Research Fellow in Singapore-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alliance, and a Research Associate in University of Cambridge. He was a lecturer in Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, and then a Reader in Thin Film Centre in University of West of Scotland, Glasgow, UK, before moving to Northumbria University in Newcastle, UK in 2015. 

He has extensive experience in smart thin films/materials, biomedical microdevices, energy materials, lab-on-chip, micromechanics, MEMS, nanotechnology, sensors and microfluidics. He has established a worldwide reputation from his pioneer research work on piezoelectric thin films, shape memory materials and films, nanostructured composite/films for MEMS, sensors/ actuators, and renewable energy applications.

His research has been funded by Engineering and Physics Science Research Council (EPSRC), Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering, Carnegie Trust, Horizon 2020, UK Fluid Network, Northern Accelerator, ICURe, Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scottish Government, Scottish Union Physics Alliance (SUPA), Innovate UK/Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP), AWE-UK, Scottish Sensor System Centre/CENSIS, Scottish Funding Council, and National Science Foundation of China. One of his KTP projects was awarded outstanding in year 2020. 

He published over 500 science citation index (SCI) journal papers (including Progress in Materials Science, Nature Comm., Advanced Science,  Energy Enviornmental Sci., Materials Horizons, ACS Nano, Nano Energy, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Small, Chemistry of Materials, J Mater Chem A, Advanced Drug Delivery Review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, etc.), two books, 20 book chapters, and over 120 conference papers. 

Being the principle supervisors, he has 12 PhD students successfully graduated in UK universities. He is associate editors/editorial board members for seven international journals including NPE, Sensors, Appl. Sci., and Scientific Report. He is regular journal paper reviewers for more than 50 journals, has co-organized 16 international conferences worldwide, and co-edited six special issues for different journals. He is is the leader of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on “Acoustofluidics” within the EPSRC-funded UK Fluids Network (UKFN). 

Richard Fu

Campus Address

Ellison Building, Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne


  • Smart thin films for sensing (gas, environment and biosensor) and microsystems (MEMS, biomedical devices, and microactuators);
  • Piezoelectric films/coatings for acoustic waves for microfluidics, sensors, and lab-on-chips;
  • Shape memory materials and films; shape memory polymer nanocomposites and microactuators; for MEMS and microsurgery applications; 
  • Nanomaterials and nanotechnology for energy (solar cell, battery, thermoelectric, and supercapacitor) and sensing applications;
  • Smart coatings for precision engineering (hard coating and nanocomposite coating, hydrophobic/icephobic/wear/friction/corrosion). 

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • 3D printable spatial fractal structures undergoing auxetic elasticity, Liu, Y., Shu, D., Lu, H., Lau, D., Fu, Y. 1 Jan 2024, In: Extreme Mechanics Letters
  • Achieving better strength-toughness synergy in heterogeneous Cu/Ni/graphene composites: A molecular dynamics simulation, Zhang, S., Yang, N., Tang, Y., Ma, C., Peng, H., Chang, G., Li, L., Li, X., Zhang, W., Elmarakbi, A., Fu, Y., Dong, L., Huo, W. 1 Aug 2024, In: Materials Today Communications
  • Achieving Consistency of Flexible Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors with Artificial Intelligence, Ji, Z., Zhou, J., Guo, Y., Xia, Y., Abkar, A., Liang, D., Fu, Y. 5 Jul 2024, In: Microsystems and Nanoengineering
  • Acoustofluidic diversity achieved by multiple modes of acoustic waves generated on piezoelectric film coated aluminum sheets, Wang, Y., Li, X., Meng, H., Tao, R., Qian, J., Fu, C., Luo, J., Xie, J., Fu, Y. 28 Aug 2024, In: ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
  • Acoustofluidic Patterning in Glass Capillaries Using Travelling Acoustic waves based on Thin Film Flexible Platform, Wang, Q., Maramizonouz, S., Stringer Martin, M., Zhang, J., Ong, H., Liu, Q., Yang, X., Rahmati, M., Torun, H., Ng, W., Wu, Q., Binns, R., Fu, Y. 1 Jan 2024, In: Ultrasonics
  • Acoustofluidics enables direct ink writing of vascular scaffolds with intrinsically patterned porous microstructures, Shao, M., Liua, X., Zheng, T., Fu, Y., Wang, C. 15 Jul 2024, In: Chemical Engineering Journal
  • Analysis and Suppression of Spurious In-Plane Lamé-Like Modes in Lamb Wave Resonators, Xie, Z., Du, M., Li, J., Wu, T., Fu, Y., Xie, J. 1 Sep 2024, In: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
  • A nanonewton force sensor using a U-shape tapered microfiber interferometer, Chen, L., Liu, B., Markwell, C., Liu, J., He, X., Ghassemlooy, Z., Torun, H., Fu, Y., Yuan, J., Liu, Q., Farrell, G., Wu, Q. 31 May 2024, In: Science advances
  • A self-powered instantaneous wireless sensing platform based on integrated triboelectric nanogenerator and negative resistance LC resonator, Zhang, C., Wu, J., Li, J., Zhang, K., Xu, L., Liu, Y., Xuan, W., Chen, J., Ong, H., Jin, H., Dong, S., Fu, Y., Luo, J. 1 Aug 2024, In: Measurement
  • A tree-growing graphic model for asymmetrical phantom networks in polymeric gels undergoing dynamic mechanochemical coupling, Shi, W., Zhou, J., Lu, H., Elmarakbi, A., Fu, Y. 1 Feb 2024, In: Science China Technological Sciences

  • Hui Ling Ong Transparent Surface Acoustic Waves on glass to tackle soiling, icing, and fouling issues Start Date: 01/10/2021 End Date: 11/10/2024
  • Jikai Zhang Flexible acoustic wave technology for skin drug delivery and bacterial cellulose culture Start Date: 01/10/2021
  • Alex Cameron Enhancing Optical Wireless Communication/Sensing Using Acoustic Waves Start Date: 16/01/2024
  • Tiancheng Xia Start Date: 11/03/2019
  • Jethro Vernon An Integrated Open Source Acoustofluidic Platform using Surface Acoustic Waves for Biomedical Applications Start Date: 01/10/2018 End Date: 25/11/2022
  • Sameer Ahmad Hasan Flexible ZnO thin film-based surface acoustic wave devices for environmental and biomedical sensing applications Start Date: 01/10/2015 End Date: 20/01/2020
  • Mumtahina Rahman Manipulation of Droplets on Laser Micromachined Stretchable PDMS Substrate Start Date: 18/05/2020 End Date: 24/03/2023
  • Luke Haworth Integrated Active Thin Film Acoustic Waves with Passive Surfaces for Droplet Manipulation and Icing Protection Start Date: 01/10/2020
  • Manuel Bogner Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Thin Films using a Novel 3 Omega Method Start Date: 06/06/2015 End Date: 14/12/2017
  • Chao Zhao Low Temperature Synthesis of Nanostructured Oxides for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Start Date: 01/06/2015 End Date: 03/01/2017

  • Research Funding

    • Co-investigator, Horizon Project GIANCE, (PI, Prof. Ahmed Elmarakbi), Graphene Alliance for Sustainable Multifunctional Materials to Tackle Environmental Challenges, HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-10, HORIZON-RIA, Proposal ID 101069600,  €8.5 Millions, 2023-2026.
    • Co-Investigator in Horizon Project SALIENT, (PI, Prof. Ahmed Elmarakbi) Proposal title Novel Concepts for Safer, Lighter and Circular Smart Vehicle Structure Design for Enhanced Crashworthiness and Higher Compatibility, HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-10, HORIZON-RIA, Proposal ID 101069600, €9.9 Millions, 2022-2025.
    • Principle Investigator in SETsquared ICURe (Innovation & Commercialisation of University Research - funded by InnovateUK) 2023 EXFEB23-01, Project of ‘Acoustic drug delivery patch’, March to June, 2023. £35,000.
    • Northern Accelerator Funding, Executive into Business, £30K, for spin-out business plans; and Proof of Concept funding, £50K, on “Wearable acoustic wave patch for drug delivery”, partly funded with Northumbria University.
    • Principle investigator: CAV Ice Protection LTD: an industry funded project on “Surface acoustic wave Technology on Deicing of aircraft wings”. ~£18K. May 2021 to Oct 2022.
    • Co-investigator: on “Modelling of integration of passive hydrophobic coating and active thin film Surface acoustic wave platform for effective bio-film removal”, £20k, June 2021-December 2021, EPSRC NetworkPlus in Digitalised Surface Manufacturing.
    • Principle investigator: Royal Society International Exchange grant with NSFC Newton Mobility Grant (IEC/NSFC/201078), “Highly efficient and active Ice protection strategy through integration of thin film acoustic waves and biomimetic surfaces”, £11,920. 2021-2023.
    • Principle investigator: EPSRC Research Grant on “Thin Film Acoustic Wave Platform for Conformable and Mechanically Flexible Biosensors”, EP/P018998/1, £346,416, Northumbria University as leading Institute, 2017-2021. 
    • Principle investigator: PhD Studentship in EPSRC Doctor Training Centre on ReNU (Renewable Engineering Northeast University), No. 2430814, Hybrid piezoelectric films and smart icephobic coatings with acoustic wave strategies for active ice protection, Oct 2020 - Sep 2024.
    • Co-investigator: Knowledge Transfer Partnership, “Development of a test device for monitoring patient drug levels”, Industry Funding with Hart Biologicals Ltd, £196,245, 2020-2023, Innovate UK, Knowledge transfer Partnership No KTP010845.
    • Principle investigator: Knowledge Transfer Partnership, “IMPEL”-Innovative microsystem for medical practioner and point-of- care, Industry Funding with Epigem Ltd, £147,141. 2017-2019, Innovate UK, Knowledge transfer Partnership No KTP010548.
    • Principle investigator: with China, Newton Mobility Grant (IE161019) International Exchange grant through  Royal Society and NSFC, “Microfluidic nano-bio-chip for rapid and precision cancer diagnostics”, £11,960. 2017-2019.
    • Co-investigator, CO2Chem Seedcorn Grant, Mass transport and selectivity for CO2 electrochemical reduction reaction using graphene aerogel electrode, 2018-2019, £11,000.
    • Principle investigator, Research Grant for Special Interests Group Grant – SIG-Acoustofluidics, UK Fluids Network (UKFN) through EPSRC EP/N032861/1, £17,500, 2017-2020.
    • International Co-Investigator-External Collaborator, Graphene field effect transistor protein biosensors for lung cancer detection, Chinese National Science and Technology Foundation 21373068, with Harbin Institute of Technology, CNY 850 K, 2014-2017.
    • Principle Iinvestigator,Superhard Nanocomposite Shape memory thin films, Royal Academy of Engineering-- Research Exchanges with China and India Scheme, £17,500,2014-2016.
    • Principle investigator, “International Exchange Award” from Royal Society of Edinburgh to collaborate with researchers from Taiwan (Prof. Chuang in national Chengkung University, Taiwan), 2013-2015, total: ~£12,000.
    • Principle investigator, Novel gas sensing platform based on nanostructured semiconductor materials, Scottish Sensor System Centre (S3C),£10,100, 2012-2013
    • Principle investigator, Integrated lab-chip system for biosensing based on thin film acoustic wave technology, Carnegie Trust Funding, UK, £40,050, 2011-2013.
    • Co-Investigator, Smart Micosystem, IeMRC/EPSRC (Engineering and Physics Science Research Council), UK, £1.5 Million in total, 2010-2013.
    • Principle investigator, Potential Application of AlN Thin Film based Lab-on-chip, China-Scotland Higher Education Partnership with Harbin Institute of Technology, China, £25,000. Scottish Government, 2010-2012.
    • Principle investigator, Thin Films based Microfluidic System, Research Grant, Royal Society, UK, £15,000, 2010-2012.
    • Principle investigator, Nanocomposite Shape memory polymer for microsurgery applications,Royal Academy of Engineering--Research Exchanges with China and India Scheme,£12,500,2010-2012.
    • Principle investigator, Modeling and splat morphology during thermal spray processes, Industry project with Atomic Weapon Enterprise (AWE), UK, £110,000, 2009-2011.
    • Principle investigator, Feasibility of integrating AlN film with a range of advanced digital microfluidic lab-on-chip technologies, Carnegie Trust Funding, UK, £39,500, 2009-2010.
    • Principle investigator, International Collaboration Award from Royal Society of Edinburgh. Visiting to China, £12,000, March 2008-2009.
  • Selected top 20 Publications

    1. Jian Zhou, Ming Wen, Rong Huang, Qingsheng Wu, Guangfeng Wei, Yixing Luo, Yakun Tian, Yongqing Fu, Regulating active hydrogen adsorbed on grain boundary defects of nano-nickel for boosting ammonia electrosynthesis from nitrate, Energy and Environmental Sciences, 2023, in press. Doi: 10.1039/D2EE04095F.
    2. Jian Zhou, Yihao Guo, Yong Wang, Zhangbin Ji, Qian Zhang, Fenglin Zhuo, Jingting Luo, Ran Tao, Jin Xie, Julien Reboud, Glen McHale, Shurong Dong, Jikui Luo, Huigao Duan, Yongqing Fu, Flexible and Wearable Acoustic Wave Technologies, Appl. Phys. Rev., 10 (2023) 021311. Doi: 10.1063/5.0142470.
    3. Xue Li, Wenfeng Sun, Wei Fu, Haifeng Lv, Xiaotao Zu, Yuanjun Guo, Des Gibson, and Yong-Qing Fu, Advances in sensing mechanisms and micro/nanostructured sensing layers for surface acoustic wave based gas sensors, J. Mater. Chem. A, 11 (2023) 9216-9238. DOI: 10.1039/D2TA10014B.
    4. Yakun Tian, Ming Wen, Aijian Huang, Qingsheng Wu, Zhiguo Wang, Quanjing Zhu, Tao Zhou and Yongqing Fu, Significantly Stabilizing Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Induced by Nb-doping Pt/Co(OH)2 Nanosheets, Small, 2023. 2207569, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202207569.
    5. Mercedes Stringer, Ziming Zeng, Xiaoyan Zhang, Yanyan Chai, Wen Li, Jikai Zhang, Huiling Ong, Dongfang Liang, Jing Dong, Yiming Li, Yongqing Fu, Xin Yang, Methodologies, technologies and strategies for acoustic streaming based Acoustofluidics, Applied Physics Review, 10 (2023) 0110315. Doi: 10.1063/5.0134646.
    6. Qian Zhang, Yong Wang, Dongsheng Li, Jin Xie, Kai Tao, Pingan Hu, Jian Zhou, Honglong Chang, and Yongqing Fu, Multifunctional and Wearable Patches Based on Flexible Piezoelectric Acoustics for Integrated Sensing, Localization and Underwater Communication, Advanced Functional Materials, 33 (2023) 2209667. Doi: 1002/adfm.202209667.
    7. Shichao Zhang, You Wu, Feng Gao, Huiming Shang, Jia Zhang, Zhonghua Li, YongQing Fu, and PingAn Hu, Field effect transistor sensors based on in-plane 1T´/2H/1T´ MoTe2 heterophases with superior sensitivity and output signals, Adv. Funct. Mater., 32 (2022) 2205299. Doi: 10.1002/adfm.202205299.
    8. Yunxia Hu, Mingjin Dai, Wei Feng, Xin Zhang, Feng Gao, Shichao Zhang, Biying Tan, Jia Zhang, Yong Shuai, YongQing Fu, PingAn Hu, Ultra-low power optical synapses based on MoS2 layers with indium-induced surface charge doping for biomimetic eyes, Advanced Materials, 33 (2021) 2104960.  Doi: 10.1002/adma.202104960.
    9. Kai Tao, Zhe Zhao, Yang Yang, Jin Wu, Li Yunjia, Fan Kangqi, Yongqing Fu, Honglong Chang, Weizheng Yuan, Development of Bipolar-charged Electret Rotatory Power Generator and Application in Self-powered Intelligent Thrust Bearing, Nano Energy, 90 (2021) 106491. Doi: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.106491
    10. Kai Tao, Zhensheng Chen, Haiping Yi, Ruirong Zhang, Qiang Shen, Jin Wu, Lihua Tang, Kangqi Fan, Yongqing Fu, Jianmin Miao, Weizheng Yuan, Hierarchical Honeycomb-structured Electret/Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Biomechanical and Morphing Wing Energy Harvesting, Nano-Micro Letters, 13 (2021) 123. Doi: 10.1007/s40820-021-00644-0.
    11. Liangquan Xu, Weipeng Xuan, Jinkai Chen,Chi Zhang, Yuzhi Tang, Xiwei Huang, Wenjun Li, Hao Jin, Shurong Dong, Wuliang Yin, Yongqing Fu, Jikui Luo, Fully self-powered instantaneous wireless humidity sensing system based on triboelectric nanogenerator, Nano Energy, 83 (2021) 105814. doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.105814.
    12. Yong-Qing Fu, Hua-Feng Pang,Hamdi Torun, Ran Tao, Glen McHale, Julien Reboud, Kai Tao, Jian Zhou,Jingting Luo, D. Gibson, Jikui Luo, and PingAn Hu, Engineering Inclined Orientations of Piezoelectric Films for Integrated Acoustofluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip, Lab-on-a-chip, 21 (2021) 254-271, DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00887G.
    13. Yunxia Hu,Mingjin Dai, Wei Feng, Xin Zhang,Shichao Zhang,Biying Tan, Huiming Shang, YongQing Fu, PingAn Hu, Monolayer hydrophilic MoS2 with strong charge trapping for atomically thin neuromorphic vision systems, Materials Horizon, 7 (2020) 3316-3324, DOIs: 10.1039/d0mh01472a.
    14. Mingjin Dai, Hongyu Chen, Fakun Wang, Mingsheng Long, Huiming Shang, Yunxia Hu, Wen Li, Chuanyang Ge, Jia Zhang, Tianyou Zhai, Yongqing Fu and PingAn Hu, Ultrafast and Sensitive Self-Powered Photodetector Featuring Self-Limited Depletion Region and Fully-Depleted Channel with van der Waals Contacts, ACS Nano, 14 (2020) 9098–9106, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c04329.
    15. H. Pan, X. Zhao, G. Xiu, H. Li, N. Ladi, X. Zhang, W. Huang, S. Ahmad, L. Ding, Y. Shen, M. Wang and Y. Q. Fu, Advances in design engineering and merits of electron transporting layers in perovskite solar cells, Mater. Horiz., 7 (2020) 2276-2291. DOI: 10.1039/D0MH00586J.
    16. Ran Tao, Glen McHale, Julien Reboud, Jonathan M. Cooper, Hamdi Torun, JingTing Luo, Jikui Luo, Xin Yang, Jian Zhou, Pep Canyelles-Pericas, Qiang Wu, Yongqing Fu, Hierarchical nanotexturing enables acoustofluidics on slippery yet sticky, flexible surfaces, Nano Lett., 20 (2020) 3263-3270, doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00005.
    17. 10. Mingjin Dai, Wei Zheng, Xi Zhang, Sanmei Wang, Junhao Lin,| Kai Li, Yunxia Hu, Enwei Sun, Jia Zhang, Yunfeng Qiu, Yongqing Fu,Wenwu Cao, and PingAn Hu, Enhanced Piezoelectric Effect Derived from Grain Boundary in MoS2 Monolayers, Nano Lett, 20 (2020) 201-207. DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03642.
    18. 11.Mengxuan Sun, Zhijie Li, Qisheng Fang, Shaobo Han, Chao Cai, Hao Li, Wenzhong Shen, Xiaoteng Liu, YongQing Fu, Room-temperature synthesized porous Cu(OH)2/Cu7S4 hybrid nanowires as high-performance electrode material for asymmetric supercapacitor, J. Mater Chem. A, 8 (2020) 724-734. DOI: 10.1039/C9TA11515C.
    19. 12. Kai Tao, Haiping Yi, Yang Yang, Honglong Chang, Jin Wu, Lihua Tang, Zhaoshu Yang, Nan Wang, Liangxing Hu, Yongqing Fu, Jianmin Miao and Weizheng Yuan, Origami-Inspired Electret-Based Triboelectric Generator for Biomechanical and Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting, Nano Energy, 67 (2020) 104197, DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.104197.
    20. 13. Mingjin Dai, Zhiguo Wang, Fakun Wang, Yunfeng Qiu, Jia Zhang, Cheng-Yan Xu, Tianyou Zhai, Wenwu Cao, Yongqing Fu, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, Ping-An Hu, Two-Dimensional van der Waals Materials with Aligned In-Plane Polarization and Large Piezoelectric Effect for Self-Powered Piezoelectric Sensors, Nano Letter, 19, 8, 5410-5416. DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b01907
    21. 14. Tang, R., Zheng, Z-H., Su, Z-H., Li, X-J., Wei, Y-D., Zhang, X-H., Fu, Y-Q., Luo, J. T., Fan, P. & Liang, G-X., 23 Highly efficient and stable planar heterojunction solar cell based on sputtered and post-selenized Sb2Se3 thin film, Nano Energy. 64 (2019) 103929. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.103929
    22. Zhijie Li, Hao Li, Zhonglin Wu, Mingkui Wang, Jingting Luo, Hamdi Torun, Pingan Hu, Chang Yang, Marius Grundmann, Xiaoteng Liu, YongQing Fu, Advances in designs and mechanisms of semiconducting metal oxide nanostructures for high-precision gas sensors operated at room-temperature, Materials Horizon, 6 (2019) 470-506. Doi: 10.1039/CBMH01365A.
    23. Zheng, Wei; Huang, Weicheng; Yang, Huihui; Gao, Feng; Dai, Mingjin; Liu, Guangbo; Yang, Bin; Zhang, Jia; Yong Qing Fu; Chen, Xiaoshuang; Qiu, Yunfeng; Jia, Dechang; Zhou, Yu; Hu, PingAn, Kirigami-inspired highly stretchable nanoscale devices using multi-dimensional deformation of monolayer MoS2, Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 30 (17), pp 6063–6070. DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b02464.
    24. Qingnan Wu, Jiahao Wen, Ming Wen, Qingsheng Wu, and Yong Qing Fu, Bioinspired Sea-sponge Nanostructure Design of Ni/Ni(HCO3)2-on-C for Supercapacitor with Superior Anti-fading Capacity, J. Mater Chem. A, 6 (2018) 15781-15788, DOI: 10.1039/c8ta05303k.
    25. Jinkai Chen, Weipeng Xuan, Pengfei Zhao, Umar Farooq, Peng Ding, Wuliang Yin, Hao Jin, Xiaozhi Wang, Yongqing Fu, Shurong Dong and Jikui Luo, Triboelectric effect based instantaneous self-powered wireless sensing with self-determined identity, Nano Energy, 51 (2018) 1-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2018.06.029.
    26. Y.Q. Fu, J.K. Luo, N.T. Nguyen, A.J. Walton, A.J. Flewitt, X.T Zu, Y. Li, G. McHale, A. Matthews. E. Iborra H. Du,W.I. Milne, Advances in piezoelectric thin films for acoustic biosensors, acoustofluidics and lab-on-chip applications, Progress in Mater Sci. 89 (2017) 31-91. Article reference: JPMS447, DOI: 10.1016/j.pmatsci.2017.04.006.
    27. C. Yang, D. Souchay, M. Kneiß, M. Bogner, H. M. Wei, M. Lorenz, O. Oeckler, G. Benstetter, Y. Q. Fu, and M Grundmann, Transparent Flexible Thermoelectric Material Based on Non-toxic Earth-Abundant p-Type Copper Iodide Thin Film, Nature Communications, 8 (2017)16076, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms16076.
    28.  Two books
    29.  * S. Miyzaki, Y. Q. Fu, W. M. Huang, Book of “Thin Film Shape Memory Alloys: Fundamentals and biomedical Device Applications”, Cambridge University Press, 2009, ISBN 9780521, 885768, Page 459 in total.
    30. * WM Huang, B. Yang, and Y. Q. Fu, Book of Polyurethane Shape Memory Polymers”, Tayler and Frances, page 296 in total, 9781439838006, 1439838003, May 25th, 2011.  

  • Materials Science PhD June 30 1999
  • Member Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 2007
  • Member Institute of Physics (IOP) 2007

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