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Frequently Asked Questions

Information for Northumbria University, Amsterdam prospective students.

Please refer to the below FAQs in regard to the future closure of Northumbria University, Amsterdam. If you have any additional queries outside of the below, please email us at If you hold an offer for September 2023 entry, please log into the Applicant Portal and use the green Contact Us button.

Congratulations! If you would like to take up your place in Amsterdam, please log into the Applicant Portal and respond to the offer by clicking the red Respond to Offer button.

Yes. All graduating students will be awarded with a UK-accredited degree from Northumbria University that is identical in recognition to the degree awarded to students studying the same courses at our Newcastle and London campuses. Your degree certificate will have no explicit reference to delivery of the programme in Amsterdam.

Yes. If you are unable to complete your programme during the 2023/24 academic year due to module failure, illness or other personal circumstances, you will continue to receive academic support via online learning and personal tutorials. Alternatively, as your programme will continue to be offered at either our Newcastle or London campuses, there may be an option to study at one of these locations from September 2024 if circumstances allow. We will work with you individually to find the most suitable option for you.

Yes. All our current students will have the opportunity to complete their course and graduate. Those students who have confirmed places for the 2023/24 academic year will also be able to complete their studies and graduate.

No. Our London Campus is hugely successful and demand for places among international students to study at our London Campus continues to grow. Our London Campus is continuing to grow, and we are investing in new facilities and new courses.


Northumbria remains an international institution with global outlook and our international collaborations and partnerships with other institutions remain extremely strong. We currently welcome 7,500 students from 125 countries to study in the UK annually and have 17 strong international partnerships in 10 countries, and a considerable number of high-quality research-led partnerships.

In Europe specifically, Northumbria already has strong partnerships with major universities in Spain, the Czech Republic and Malta. As the current Times Higher Education University of the Year, we are also well placed to drive our international reputation through high-quality partnerships even further. We also offer considerable and growing opportunities for our students to study overseas without the need for an EU campus presence.

The University has some fantastic opportunities for students at Northumbria to study abroad and the closure of the campus in Amsterdam will not impact this. With 187 Exchange partners across 41 countries, including 121 of these across the European Union, and 5 of these based in the Netherlands including De Haagse Hogeschool, Avans Hogeschool and Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. We are offering considerable and growing opportunities for our students to study overseas without the need for an EU-based campus.

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