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Study Abroad - Mathilde Toulouse

Name: Mathilde Toulouse

Degree: Master in Business Adminstration

Home University: BBA EDHEC, France

When did you study at Northumbria University?

I studied at Northumbria University during the academic year 2017/2018.

What subject did you study at Northumbria?

International Business Management.

Why did you decide to do Study Abroad?

I decided to go abroad to see how things were done outside of France, see different things in terms of culture, education, history.

Why did you decide to come to Northumbria University?

Northumbria University allowed me to have a double degree with my home Institution which I considered to be an amazing added value. 

What is your favourite memory of being at Northumbria?

Everything! The people you meet, the life in Newcastle in general, the way classes are made, the unforgettable parties and road-trips any time of the year. 

Did you find living in Newcastle expensive?

Compared to my home country not really. Some grocery products were more expensive to what I was used too but others less so it was balanced. Accommodations are maybe a little more expensive.

How will you use your experience of Studying Abroad at Northumbria in the future?

Firstly, my English skills for professional & personal reasons are going to be life changing. Universities in England also make you understand how important it is to work on your side for yourself. This is something I remind myself every day.

What advice would you give to a student who is thinking of coming to Northumbria to Study Abroad?


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