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Interview and Assessment

It's exciting to be invited to interviews and assessment centres. Interviews could be done over a phone call, an online meeting, or a face-to-face session. An assessment centre is always the last or second last round before you find out whether you are successful. Remember to source possible questions and practise beforehand.


What You Can Find


interview 360


Interview 360



Interview 360 is a tool to practice your interview technique and get instant feedback or, browse the questions employers most commonly use. Employers are increasingly using video interviews as part of their recruitment process. Do remember to browse possible questions and complete a mock interview to receive feedback.






the bottom page of interview 360




Interview 360 includes a large and comprehensive library of the most commonly asked interview questions along with, key points to help you answer every one of them. There’s also a range of mock interviews you can take to really test your ability to come up with strong, confident, well-thought-through answers under time pressure. You’ll get instant feedback and advice, and every question you answer will make you a stronger candidate.







assessment centre


Assessment Centre Tool


The assessment centre tool is comprehensive and explains everything you need to know about this process. This tool provides an overview of assessment centres, offers advice on how to complete the various activities and, tips on how you can be successful via different company’s examples. Also, you’ll be able to take a test by yourself in order to access your competencies by participating both individual and team activities.



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