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The Management of Sport Leisure and Recreation


Research in this group focuses on the organisation, management and evolution of sport, leisure and recreation. Specifically, the group’s work critically explores the experiences of volunteers, managers, community groups, tourists and policy makers, as well wider issues related to the development, marketing, and sustainability of sport, leisure and recreation provision. Recent projects have addressed:

  • The deployment and development of volunteers in community-based leisure initiatives.
  • The formulation and enactment of elite sport policy.
  • Sports tourists’ experiences of mega events.
  • Enhancing leadership in sports organisations.



Houlihan, B., & Zheng, J. (2015). Small states: sport and politics at the margin. International Journal of SportPolicy and Politics. 7(3), 329-344.

Zheng, J., Lau, P. W. C., Chen, S., Dickson, G., De Bosscher, V., & Peng, Q. (in press). Interorganisational conflict between national and provincial sport organisations within China’s elite sport system: Perspectives from national organisations. Sport Management Review.

Batuev, M., & Robinson, L. (2018). Organizational evolution and the Olympic Games: the case of sport climbing. Sport in Society, 1-17.

Findlay-King, L., Nichols, G., Forbes, D., & Macfadyen, G. (2018). Localism and the Big Society: the asset transfer of leisure centres and libraries–fighting closures or empowering communities?. Leisure Studies, 37(2), 158-170.

Emery, P. R., Kerr, A. K., & Crabtree, R. M. (2016). Critical Incidents, Emotions, and Value-Added Moments: The London 2012 Spectator Experience. Event Management, 20(4), 517-535.


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