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Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Net Zero targets and Carbon Reduction Planning for Organisations
March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November & December 2025. | Two Days

Northumbria University is proud to offer our IEMA certified Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Net Zero targets and Carbon Reduction Planning for Organisations CPD course delivered in partnership with Smart Carbon Ltd.

Course overview

The course is designed to provide the knowledge and skills to calculate the carbon footprint of an organisation, in line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.  The content is largely generic, supported by a range of case studies, and is applicable to organisations of any size or sector. 

The course starts with an introduction to why organisations measure, report and commit to reducing carbon emissions with an overview of financial, legal and moral drivers including procurement drivers, UK legislation and climate science. This culminates in an exercise on climate risk, opportunity and adaptation.  The afternoon of the first day then introduces basic carbon reporting inline with requirements of SECR Regulations (including topics such as Scope, 1, 2 and Scope 3 business travel, baseline recalculation, Scope 2 dual reporting).   

The second day progresses to reporting topics such as Scope 3 category 1 – purchased goods and services along with 4 other Scope 3 categories to align with requirements of PPN 06/21.  This session then moves on to reviewing climate initiatives, setting a Net Zero Target and how to develop a Carbon Reduction Plan.

The course includes a number of activities and calculation exercises and delegates will also be sign posted to additional resources.  There is an expectation that learners will set aside one additional day to work through the optional self-directed learning activities provided.

Who should attend?

The course is designed to provide the knowledge and skills to calculate the carbon footprint of an organisation, in line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.  The content is largely generic, supported by a range of case studies, and is applicable to organisations of any size or sector.

The course is aimed towards environmental managers, energy managers, facilities managers, sustainability managers, business owners and directors. The content is appropriate for all business sizes across the private and public sectors.

The course is designed for practitioners, tasked with measuring the carbon impact of their organisation in line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.  Delegates are not required to have prior knowledge of the topic, but those who do are equally welcome.  

Please ensure you read the learning outcome section of this webpage (see tab at bottom of this page) to determine the suitability of the course content for your training needs. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us in advance of your booking at


This two day course incorporates three IEMA courses, details are as follows:

  • The Climate Emergency: Risk, Opportunity and Business Resilience. (IEMA Accredited)
  • Introduction to Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), and reporting for organisations, in line with GHG Protocol and SECR. (IEMA Certified)
  • Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Net Zero Targets and Carbon Reduction Planning for organisations. (IEMA Certified)

Delivery Dates

PLEASE NOTE: When you click 'Book Now' we are unable to list the dates in chronological order. Please scroll to the bottom of the date list to find and book your preferred date.

Our available dates for 2025 are as follows:


March 2025

  • 4th & 6th March 2025 - Online
  • 11th & 12th March 2025 - Newcastle City Campus (in person)
  • 25th 27th March 2025 - Online

April 2025

  • 8th & 10th April 2025 - Online

May 2025

  • 13th & 15th May 2025 - Online
  • 21st & 22nd May 2025 - London Campus (in person)
  • 27th & 29th May 2025 - Online

June 2025

  • 17th & 19th June 2025 - Online

July 2025

  • 1st & 3rd July 2025 - Online
  • 15th & 17th July 2025 - Online

September 2025

  • 2nd & 3rd September 2025 - Newcastle City Campus (in person)
  • 17th & 18th September 2025 - London Campus (in person)
  • 23rd & 25th September 2025 - Online

October 2025

  • 14th & 16th October 2025 - Online 

November 2025

  • 4th & 6th November 2025 - Online
  • 18th & 20th November 2025 - Online

December 2025

  • 9th & 11th December 2025 - Online

To book a placed on Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Net Zero targets and Carbon Reduction Planning for Organisations and Carbon Reporting please click the Book Now button above.

If you have any questions or would like to arrange to pay for your booking via invoice, please email us at

Day One (morning): Climate Emergency: Risk, Opportunity and Business Resilience (IEMA Accredited)

This part of the course provides an introduction to the climate crisis, the latest climate science and why we are facing a climate and health emergency. The aim is to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to effectively engage employees and decision makers in meaningful conversations about climate risk, opportunity and action.

Delegates will explore the impact the changing climate will have on the environment, society, economy, and a range of businesses. The session will cover the policy, market and stakeholder drivers for change and why we need to move beyond business as usual.

Day One (afternoon): Introduction to Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), and reporting for organisations, in line with GHG Protocol and SECR. (IEMA Certified)

This part of the course provides an introduction to Carbon Footprinting, GHG Accounting, and Reporting practices for Organisations.

Learners can expect to cover basic carbon footprint practices that would be appropriate for micro businesses, SMEs and large businesses alike, from any sector.  The content will focus on the requirements to satisfy the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulations. The content is aligned to the UK Government Environmental Reporting Guidelines, as well as the internationally recognised Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard for organisational reporting.

Day Two: Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Net Zero targets and Carbon Reduction Planning for organisations Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting (IEMA Certified)

The content of the second day will extend the learning in from the preceding parts to widen the boundary of organisational reporting to include more Scope 3 subcategories. Whilst there won’t be time to cover all 15 sub-categories of Scope 3, the course will look at 5 sub-categories as a minimum, as detailed below.

Many organisations have identified their supply chain emissions (Category 1 - Purchased goods and services) as their largest source of carbon emissions and a strategic opportunity to measure, report and reduce emissions towards a Net Zero position.  In addition, the requirements of PPN 06/21 require organisation to report on 5 subcategories of Scope 3 (business travel, employee commuting, waste generated in operations, upstream transportation and distribution and downstream transportation and distribution). The course ends by exploring options for Net Zero target setting and carbon reduction planning in line with a range of recognised standards and initiatives.


This course has been incredibly comprehensive given we have only had two days to cover Scope 1, 2 and 3 (5 categories). The information and experienced gained from the last two days has increased my confidence in reporting (for an SME) and the exercises/activities we did were useful in making sure we could apply our knowledge. The course was led by Anna-Lisa who was incredibly knowledgeable and helpful with understanding the nuances of reporting for many different companies present on the course. The information was clearly laid out and accessible. I would definitely  recommend the two day course to anyone who is starting out on understanding, measuring or reporting their organisations carbon footprint.

We are Curious

A very interesting and informative day, presented by a very knowledgeable and enthusiastic trainer. That coupled with some excellent networking opportunities, time very well spent.

Peter Bowen, Group Quality Manager | Robertson Group

Fantastic days’ training on Carbon Emissions. The information provided will really support me in my role. I would highly recommend to anyone working in the sustainability field.

Dianne Pattison, Policy Officer (Sustainability) | Sunderland City Council

This course was excellent, well-structured and I have learnt a lot about all the wider aspects of carbon management which will be invaluable to my footprinting work. THANK YOU!

Robynne Lawley, Conservation Programmes Co‑ordinator | World Land Trust

It's hard to know what carbon accounting course to sign up to, but I'm really glad I did this one - so much content, explained thoroughly, and it was great to meet people from so many different fields! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with us Anna-Lisa!

Olivia Beale, Senior Sustainability Consultant | Scott White and Hookins

Hands down the best carbon accounting/management course ever! Better than what I could have hoped for! Much appreciated! Thank you so much, Anna-Lisa! You're the best!


IEMA Approved Logo

Course Information

Delivery Method Short Course

Online Distance Learning or Newcastle City Centre Campus

Start March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November & December 2025.

Two Days

Architecture, Built Environment and Construction, Digital, Tech and Creative, Engineering and Manufacturing, Financial and Legal Services, Health and Social Care, Leadership and Management

Two Day Course per person: online £550 / in person £600.

There are no standard entry requirements. The course is taught in English. A good understanding of spoken English and Maths would be helpful.

Day One (morning): The Climate Emergency: Risk, Opportunity and Business Resilience:

On completion of the course, delegates will be able to:

  • Confidently discuss the science of climate change (including both natural and anthropogenic influences on the Greenhouse effect and contributing factors to Global Warming).
  • Explain why we face a climate emergency (carbon budgets, tipping points, feedback loops)
  • Outline the drivers for climate action including stakeholder expectations, market drivers, procurement standards, international policy and UK legislation
  • Identify associated risks and opportunities to organisations and supply chains
  • Explain the business case for climate action (both mitigation and adaptation)
  • Access tools and additional resources to support further action if desired.

Day One (afternoon): Introduction to Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), and reporting for organisations, in line with GHG Protocol and SECR:

On completion of the course, delegates will have knowledge of the key learning outcomes above (covered in half-day course) plus the following:

  • Appreciate the different GHG accounting and reporting methodologies, protocols and standards and how they could be applied
  • Apply the principles of the GHG Protocol corporate standard for organisations.
  • Set appropriate operational boundaries (scope 1, 2 and 3* emissions)
  • Identify relevant sources of activity data.
  • Calculate the carbon footprint of a case study organisation, using the UK Government DEFRA BEIS Carbon Emission Factors
  • Report GHG emissions in a format that is compliance with the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) Regulations.
  • Explain how to establish a base year, intensity metrics and reduction targets
  • Access tools and additional resources to support further action if desired.

Day Two - Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Net Zero targets and Carbon Reduction Planning for organisations:

On completion of the course, delegates will have knowledge of the key learning outcomes above (covered in both the half-day and one-day courses) plus the following:

  • Evaluate a range of initiatives and frameworks for reporting, target setting and driving carbon reduction (e.g. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate standard for organisational reporting, scope 3 standard, life cycle standard, ISO 14064, carbon neutrality, Net Zero, SBTis, Tyndall Curve, ISO 14064-1, PAS2060, Race to Zero, carbon neutral, Business Declares, B Corp)
  • Implement best practice GHG measurement and reporting practice as aligned to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Reporting Standard.
  • Extended Carbon Footprinting and GHG Accounting to include more Scope 3 categories. 

    (Note: There will not be time to cover all 15 subcategories. As a minimum the course will cover those marked * below)

    • Category 1 - Purchased goods and services (Supply chain)*
    • Category 2 - Capital goods
    • Category 3 - Fuel- and energy-related activities
    • Category 4 - Upstream transportation and distribution*
    • Category 5 - Waste generated in operations*
    • Category 6 - Business travel*
    • Category 7 - Employee commuting*
    • Category 8 - Upstream leased assets
    • Category 9 - Downstream transportation and distribution*
    • Category 10 - Processing of sold products
    • Category 11 - Use of sold products
    • Category 12 - End-of-life treatment of sold products
    • Category 13 - Downstream leased assets
    • Category 14 - Franchises
    • Category 15 – Investments
  • Develop procedures and processes to Accounting for GHG Reductions and managing Inventory Quality.
  • Arrange appropriate steps for checking, validating and verifying
  • Develop a carbon reduction plan (CRP) for reducing carbon emissions following IEMA’s GHG Management Hierarchy
  • Consider options for compensatory measure such as Green tariff energy, dual reporting scope 2 emissions and Carbon offsetting
  • Respond to procurement drivers for climate action e.g.
    • Social Value Model (Note: Only theme 3: Fighting climate change)
    • Procurement Policy Note 06/20 – taking account of social value in the award of central government contracts. (Note: Only theme 3: Fighting climate change)
    • Procurement Policy Note 06/21: Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts
  • Discuss barriers and enablers for a successful transition from business as usual
  • Review case studies from a range of sectors (Healthcare and Construction)
  • Review case study of engaging and collaborating with supply chain to improve scope 3 reporting and reduction.

Dr Mary Argyraki

Mary has been a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management and Senior Consultant at the University of Sunderland, for more than 26 years.  She is an IEMA Registered Auditor and approved Trainer for a number of IEMA courses, as well as an approved Assessor for PIEMA.  She has been a member of IEMA North East Steering Group and recently joined the London and South East Regional Group.    

Mary has 33 years experience in environmental management as applied to organisations of all sizes and sectors.  Her expertise is in the application of environmental management tools and standards such as Auditing, Life Cycle assessments, Risk and Impact assessments, development and implementation of systems to standards such as ISO14001 and EMAS and environmental reporting.  She has developed and delivered IEMA, IOSH and NEBOSH approved courses both in UK and abroad.   

Her interests are in the application of life-cycle assessments and environmental issues of products/services. Selected experience in LCA includes carbon footprint studies for commercial clients , training in LCA and in assessing organisational and product carbon footprints. As an academic, Mary has developed, lead and delivered an MSc in EHS, on campus since 1997 and on line since 2007.   Her LCA teaching has been part of this MSc and lead to commercial projects and related work placements. She has been an examiner for a number of MSc and PhD theses some of which related to life cycle assessments, and she has reviewed academic articles relating to carbon footprint of cities.   

Anna-Lisa Mills

Anna-Lisa Mills, Director of True North Sustainability is a highly committed, experienced, knowledgeable and passionate environmental practitioner with over 20 years’ experience in environmental management, sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). She has experience working in both in-house and consultancy roles.  Anna-Lisa has a proven track record in developing, implementing and leading environmental, sustainability and carbon strategies for a wide range of organisations from SMEs to large multi-nationals.

Anna-Lisa is a Chartered Environmentalist and a fellow Member of IEMA.   She has completed Al Gore’s training programme to become a Climate Reality Leader and is an active member of IEMA’s Climate Change and Energy Steering Group as well as IEMA’s North East Steering Group.

Anna-Lisa also has strong experience in education and training and is an Associate Lecturer at Northumbria University and visiting lecturer to Sunderland University. Anna-Lisa is an approved trainer for a range of IEMA, NEBOSH, BSI, IRCA and NQA approved course.

April Sotomayor

April is the national lead for Investors in the Environment, a not-for-profit service dedicated to using environmental management systems to drive organisational performance on sustainability.  April is an experienced sustainability professional with over 14 years’ experience in environment and sustainability, and has developed and supported ambitious environmental and sustainability strategies across a range of complicated organisations. April has a track record for developing individuals and increasing organisational understanding of environmental impacts and implementation of solutions. She is skilled at environmental management systems, project management and strategy, carbon emissions reduction planning, and engagement. 

April is a Chartered Environmentalist and a full member of IEMA. She has also completed Al Gore’s Climate Reality Leadership training programme is an experienced speaker on climate change. April is also a TED x and TED Countdown organiser, dedicated to accelerating solutions to the climate crisis.  She is an IEMA approved trainer for the Foundation Certificate in Environmental Management, Climate Change, and Carbon Champion courses.

Lee Jackson

Lee a Director at SmartCarbon who maintains a keen interest in consultancy and training.  Lee has experience supporting organisations from a wide range of business sectors with the decarbonisation agenda.

Lee is an associate member of IEMA and an approved trainer for the climate and carbon courses. Lee is passionate and pragmatic in working with both businesses and community groups to create meaningful impact in response to the climate emergency that we face.


Two-day Advanced Carbon Footprinting, (GHG Accounting), Net Zero targets and Carbon Reduction Planning for Organisations: online @ £550 / in person @ £600 - all fees are per delegate

Bookings made on this page must be paid for with a credit or debit card. If you prefer you can request to pay via invoice by emailing us at 



If you have any questions regarding the course, please contact us at before booking.

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **ONLINE COURSE**




4 Places Available

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **ONLINE COURSE**




11 Places Available

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **ONLINE COURSE**




12 Places Available

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **ONLINE COURSE**




12 Places Available

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **ONLINE COURSE**




11 Places Available

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **ONLINE COURSE**




12 Places Available

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **ONLINE COURSE**




12 Places Available

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **ONLINE COURSE**




12 Places Available

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **ONLINE COURSE**




12 Places Available

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **NEWCASTLE CAMPUS - IN PERSON**




10 Places Available

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **NEWCASTLE CAMPUS IN PERSON**




15 Places Available

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **ONLINE COURSE**




12 Places Available

**LONDON CAMPUS** - Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting




15 Places Available

**LONDON CAMPUS** - Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting




15 Places Available

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **ONLINE COURSE**




12 Places Available

Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting **ONLINE COURSE**




12 Places Available

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