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Non-Medical Prescribing (V300) - Level 7
September 2024 (Applications open May 22nd 2024)

Places are limited on this programme and are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Please read the pre-course information and prescribing authorisations form in preparation for submitting your application (please find links for these at the end of this webpage).

The Non-Medical Prescribing module consists of 38 days of prescribing preparation which includes:

  • 10 taught days
  • Examination time
  • Set study days with activities to complete
  • Supervised practice (78 hours for NMC applicants, 90 hours for HCPC applicants)
  • In addition, students may require personal study time. The amount of time varies greatly between individuals but can be in the region of 80 - 190 hours

The module can be studied at level 6 (degree) or at level 7 (masters). Your choice may be dependant on a number of factors e.g. whether it is integrated into a post graduate programme (level 7 study) or whether you are undertaking as a stand alone module and already have an academic profile. Completion at degree level provides an academic award of 40 degree level (level 6 equivalent) credits and 40 masters level (level 7 equivalent) credits. There are differences in the assessment of degree and masters level.

Please ensure that you complete the application for the level you wish to study. This is shown in the course title.

The prescribing qualification / authority of independent and supplementary prescribing relates to regulatory and legal permissions. Currently Dieticians and Diagnostic Radiographers may qualify as supplementary prescribers whereas Registered Nurses (level 1), Midwives, SCPHN, Physiotherapists, Chiropodists, Advanced Paramedics, Podiatrists and Therapeutic Radiographers may qualify as supplementary and independent prescribers. Your professional registration will dictate your qualification. 

To apply please make a note of the module start month, click on apply now and choose the application for the correct starting month. Once your application is complete we will contact you in order to confirm whether or not you have been allocated a place.

In order to assist you in completing your application we have included a link to guidance notes via the links at the end of this webpage. Please refer to these while completing your application. You must also read the 'Pre Course Information' via the link at the end of this website page. This contains essential information which you must review prior to completing your application form.

As part of your application you will need to upload a copy of your completed Prescribing Authorisations Form to the Experience – CV section of the application (please find a link for the form via the link at the end of this webpage). If you do not attach your approval form to your application, or it is incomplete this will delay your application and may impact you being offered a place on the module.

If you are practicing in an area which does not have a Northumbria University Education Audit in place (i.e. takes Northumbria University undergraduate students) a self-assessment of the Education Environment is required by yourself and/or the area manager. This form can be found with the supplementary information and authorisation forms and must be completed before we can fully confirm a place on the course

Practice Assessor and Supervisor Preparation

Online invitations will be sent to PS/PA for an Update on the 19th Sept 10:00-12:00. Applicants to ensure their PA/PS are aware of this date 

Protected study time is required as per below in addition to taught, and supervised practice.

Please make a note of these dates and ensure your work can facilitate your course time.        

Day Date Delivery
1 26/09/2024 Taught 
2 03/10/2024 Taught
3 04/10/2024 Study
4 10/10/2024 Taught
5 11/10/2025 Study
6 17/10/2024  Taught 
7 24/10/2024  Taught
8 31/10/2024 Study
9 07/11/2024  Study 
10 14/11/2024  EXAMS 
11 15/11/2024 Study
12 21/11/2024 Taught
13 22/11/2024 Study
14 28/11/2024  Study 
15 29/11/2024  Study
16 05/12/2024  Taught
17 12/12/2024  Taught
18 13/12/2024 Study
19 19/12/2024 Taught
20 09/01/2025 Taught
21 16/01/2025 Study
22 17/01/2025


23 23/01/2025


24 24/01/2025


25 30/01/2025 Study
26 31/01/2025 Study

Please Note: 

For applicants who wish to undertake V300 (non-medical prescribing) as part of the Health and Social Practice Framework – please note additional checks are required in order to ensure you are fully prepared to undertake this module and in accordance with PSRB requirements. These additional checks must be carried out at least 6 weeks prior to module start. For applicants wishing to undertake this module in September, all checks must be completed by the 18th August, for January start, checks must be completed by 20th November, therefore, programme application and acceptance of offer must be completed before these dates.

If you are working in private practice, please see the additional entry requirements below.











If you have any questions or queries about this module please contact us via email at

Course Information

Award Type External PSRB approval NMC & HCPC

Delivery Method Blended Delivery

Mode of Study
Part Time

Start September 2024 (Applications open May 22nd 2024)

Health and Social Care

Successful completion of all components of this module will lead to the achievement of a recordable prescribing qualification (Independent and/or Supplementary Prescriber) with your regulatory body (NMC or HCPC).

Nurses, midwives and some HCPC registrants are eligible to apply for entry to the Non Medical Prescribing programme but must meet the following criteria:

  • Be either a Registered nurse (level 1) / registered midwife / SCPHN with at least 1 year post registration experience OR
  • A Registered Physiotherapist, Chiropodist, Dietician, Advanced Paramedic, Podiatrist, Therapeutic or Diagnostic Radiographer with 3 years experience
  • Have current NMC / HCPC registration
  • Have the competence, experience and academic ability to study at least degree level (level 7 for Advanced Paramedics) and can provide evidence of this
  • Be able to provide evidence of a Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) enhanced certificate; issued within 3 years of applying to the module
  • Be competent to undertake a history, clinical/health assessment and make a diagnosis in the area of practice relating to where you intend to prescribe
  • Have approved funding arrangements in place (see module application webpage for more details) or state self funding
  • Have in place (or will have in place), an appropriate indemnity arrangement for their prospective role as a prescriber
  • Have a clinical placement (e.g. ward, GP surgery) with an educational audit in place or have completed the non medical prescribing ‘self-audit’ for practice learning prior to enrolment on the module
  • Have support from a manager, employing organisation or other appropriate authority and supply their name and contact details
  • Take responsibility for own continuing professional development

Please note, admission is at the programme leader/admission team's discretion.

Private Practice (e.g. Private Physiotherapy) & Private Practice Cosmetic/Aesthetic Nurse Entry Criteria:

Please view our placement provider risk form here.

Aesthetic nurse applicants must:

1. Provide information confirming completion of a level 7 PG Cert/DIP (HEI or OFQUAL approved) training programme. This may be evidenced via production of completion certificate/transcript of study.

2. Provide a personal statement that details your post qualification practice, and identifies you as established and expert clinicians in your field. Learning must have been robustly consolidated and demonstrated in line with knowledge, skills, and competence.

3. Your named authoriser must supply a supporting reference. Detail of professional relationship and level of competence must be included.

4. Your authoriser must be a professional registrant practicing in aesthetics.

5. Provide a completed education audit, and employer risk assessment and insurance form.

Other private practice applicants must:

1. Provide a personal statement that details your post qualification practice, and identifies you as established and expert clinicians in your field. Learning must have been robustly consolidated and demonstrated in line with knowledge, skills, and competence.

2. Your named authoriser must supply a supporting reference. Detail of professional relationship and level of competence must be included.

3. Your authoriser must be a professional registrant practicing in your area of practice. 

4. Provide a completed education audit, and employer risk assessment and insurance form.



By the end of the module you will be able to:

  • Appraise and interpret the legal, ethical and professional frameworks for accountability and responsibility for prescribing within your own sphere of practice
  • Evaluate evidence to support your prescribing decisions
  • Summarise the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic actions relating to products used within your sphere of practice
  • Demonstrate professional skills in consultation, decision making and prescribing safely and effectively
  • Employ partnership approaches with patients/carers to monitor and review treatment, manage/report adverse drug reactions
  • Critique prescribing practice and support others to prescribe safely and effectively as part of a multi-disciplinary team

You will learn from subject specialist tutors who are prescribers and are actively researching the prescribing landscape, contributing to prescribing practice, academic and specialist knowledge base. Your academic tutors will help you to draw on the very latest evidence informing contemporary healthcare practice and engage in critically appraising evidence which supports your clinical practice and prescribing decision making.

We are keen to work with partners to ensure the most effective and efficient delivery models that meet your individual needs so please contact us directly to discuss your interest and explore collaboration arrangements in more detail.

For any individuals with programme enquiries please contact

For organisations with business enquiries please contact

Please register your interest for this course and we will be in touch once we have confirmed dates.

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