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BA (Hons) Drama Interview Day Schedule

The following information is to help you prepare for your audition/interview day at Northumbria University. The more prepared you are, the more you will be able to relax and enjoy the day, so do make sure you read all of the information carefully.

The interview session runs from approximately 11am – 4.30pm. You must be available throughout this period, but will be given breaks and the opportunity to get refreshments during the process. 

Criteria for admissions

It is considered essential that prospective students demonstrate an ability to cope with the many and varied demands which the programme imposes and also to contribute effectively to it. Therefore, admissions interviews are designed to assess many different facets of the potential student. Candidates must be prepared to demonstrate their practical, analytical and academic skills. Criteria for selection should include the candidate’s:

  1. Critical awareness of the multiple roles of the performer
  2. Ability to analyse and solve problems
  3. Communication and group work skills
  4. Performance and improvisation skills in workshop activity
  5. Sense of the dramatic potential of material

In addition, candidates will be expected to show a commitment to the philosophy and aims of the programme and a commitment to active collaboration across art forms. 

The Interview Process

The interview schedule normally includes the following activities:

  1. A presentation by a member of the Drama staff which will go into more detail about the nature of the course
  2. A tour of the facilities available to Drama students
  3. A fun, practical workshop led by a member of the Drama staff
  4. An individual audition in front of staff panel, followed by an interview in which you will be asked questions about the material you have just performed/presented and more generally about why you want to study Drama at Northumbria University
  5. An opportunity to meet current students and recent graduates (so come prepared to ask lots of questions about the course and university)
  6. An optional campus tour 

The initial meeting lasts approximately 45 minutes during which a tutor will outline the programme and answer general questions. Following this will normally be a practical workshop led by a tutor which will include a physical and vocal warm-up, initial ice breaker exercises before taking part in a longer structured creative performance activity. The workshop is designed to give you a flavour of studying Performing Arts at Northumbria, and will be designed to encourage group work amongst the participants, and will prepare you for your individual audition in the second part of the process. Candidates will have the opportunity to change into appropriate loose clothing and soft shoes or bare feet ready for the practical work.


1. You will take part in a practical drama workshop exploring approaches to working with others to create theatre

2. You should come prepared to perform/present to the interview panel for two minutes ONE of the following:

  • A monologue from a 20th or 21st century play
  • A piece of performance you have devised yourself
  • A presentation critically analysing a performing arts/drama project you have been involved with recently. Explain in detail the key concepts informing the work and the creative approaches utilised. Evaluate the achievements of the project in relation to its aims and objectives and assess what you personally learnt from it which you could draw on as a student on the Drama programme. You may use cue cards but please make sure your presentation is well rehearsed.

There will be chairs available in the audition space if you require them. Please ensure your performance/presentation is no longer than two minutes or staff may need to stop you before you have finished. Be prepared to answer questions about what you choose to perform/present; for example, if you choose to perform a monologue please make sure have read and can speak about the whole play which the monologue is taken from. Afterwards staff will interview you to find out more about your reasons for applying to the course and your existing knowledge and understanding of performance.

3. Please bring with you an example of your own writing (1-2pages); one of the following:

  • Drama scriptwriting
  • Creative writing
  • Reflective writing about a performance you have seen
  • Analytical writing about a play you have studied

This piece of writing could be new, developed specifically for this task, OR, you might want to bring some of your coursework from your current programme of study. 

Once you have had your audition and interview you are free to go and the University will be in touch with you as soon as possible via UCAS with a final decision. We look forward to meeting you, and wish you luck preparing for your audition and interview.

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