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HAF Plus Participant Information

We are partnering with Northumbria University to conduct an independent evaluation of HAF Plus in 2024. As part of this evaluation, surveys will be conducted with parents and young people who take part in HAF Plus in 2024. We would therefore like to invite you and your child to each take part in a survey to share your views and experiences of HAF Plus.

What is the aim of the research?

The aim of the online survey research is to find out more about your views, opinions and experiences of HAF Plus in 2024, as well as your child’s views, opinions and experience of the programme. You and your child have been asked to take part as you are involved with the programme this year.

What will I have to do?

We are running two surveys to collect the data we need for the evaluation: one survey is for parents/carers, and one survey is for young people (11-16 years). To hear more about your views, experiences and opinions of HAF Plus in 2024, we would like to invite you and your child to each take part in an online HAF Plus survey. Each survey will take around 10 minutes and can be completed via a smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer. As you and your child are involved with HAF Plus, your responses to our surveys will be really helpful.

Before we can ask your child to take part in the survey research, we require your fully informed consent as their parent/carer. If you change your mind about your child taking part, you can inform the HAF lead at your local authority or council. If your child doesn’t want to take part, even after you have provided consent, then that is fine! We also need your fully informed consent to take part in the parent/carer survey.

Completing the surveys is voluntary. If you or your child change your mind whilst completing the survey, they you/your child can simply close the browser.

At the end of each survey, you and your child will be offered the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win a shopping voucher as a thank you for your participation. You can enter this prize draw by submitting an email address.

When will the research take place?

The survey will be active between the end of August – end of September 2024.

What will happen to the information provided from this research?

The data collected will be anonymous. Instead of providing your name, you/your child will be asked to provide a memorable codeword in case you wish to withdraw your data/their data. In this case, you/they will need to email the researcher and tell them your codeword/your child’s codeword for them to remove the related data from the responses collected.

All information collected during this project will also be stored in a locked office at Northumbria University in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulations 2018 and will only be used for the project described in this leaflet. Personal data collected in accordance with Article 9 (2) j will only be kept for as long as is needed to enable completion of the project and preparation of a final report. All personal data will be anonymised, and unique participant numbers will be used to ensure anonymity of participants. The information will only be accessed by the research team, but it might be used in publications and presentations about the project, but your child will never be identified individually in any reports or presentations. The legal basis for this study’s personal data processing is that the research is being conducted in the public interest and is necessary for scientific and historical research purposes. Participants can withdraw from the study before, during and after (up to a month) but contacting the researcher via email.

If you have any concerns regarding data protection you may contact Duncan James the Data Protection Officer: You have the right to access data upon request. Contact the Information Commissioner’s Office for further information, and/or complaints about the University’s processing of personal data, click here.

How can I be sure it is okay for me to take part in this research project?

The Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Ethics Committee at Northumbria University have approved this project. If you have any questions about the project, please contact Professor Greta Defeyter via email:

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