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Professor Alireza Shokri


Department: Newcastle Business School

Alireza Shokri is the Professor of digital operations and supply chain excellence and the head of the subject group of "Operations, Supply Chain and Logistics Management" in the Department of Operations, Marketing and Systems. He is also Director of the "Centre for Digital Supply Chain Excellence" at Northumbria University. He is also the member of the Academic Advisory Board for the UK National Digitlal Supply Chain Programme. Prior to the current position, Alireza was the programme leader for the BA (Hon) International Business Management Programme. Before joining Newcastle Business School in 2011, Alireza had different practitioner roles including supply chain manager, quality manager, and ISO9001 internal consultant in food sector. Alireza got his first degree in Agriculture Engineering in University of Zanjan, Iran following by MSc in Food Technology in 2001 in Teesside University in the UK. Alireza completed his PhD in Lean Six Sigma application within food distribution SMEs in 2011in Teesside University in the UK and since then he is working as an academic.

 Alireza is passionate in teaching and research. He is very active in action research and research/Enterprise development activities. Alireza is currently co- leading the "Decision making:Analytics, Operations and Marketing" Research Group. Alireza is also member of editorial board for the “International Journal of Lean Six Sigma". As the referee, Alireza is serving many different specialised and high ranking journals such as “International Journal of Operations and Production Management", "International Journal of Production Economics", "International Journal of Lean Six Sigma" and "International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management". As the principal investigator, Alireza currently led a British Academy - funded project about Green application of Lean Six Sigma projects in manufacturing sector. He was recently part of the project management team as the quality manager and researcher of the multi-disciplinary global EU-funded talent management and entrepreneurship projects called as "GETM3" (1M Euros) and "GEMT4" (1.2M Euros).  Alireza was involved as principal investigator in an Innovate UK-funded feasibility study (£300k) in collaboration with external partners in digital supply chain and predictive maintenance integration. Recently, Alireza is leading  the Digital Catapult and Digital Supply Chain Hub-funded project as the principal investigator in partnership with industry with the value of £1.3M.

Alireza's research focuses on digital supply chain and oeprations excellence (OPEX), OPEX4.0, OPEX5.0, Lean Six Sigma and its application in service, manufacturing and supply chain management, supply chain quality management and process improvement and Lean Management. His research has been published in international leading/excellence level journals in his research including "International Journal of Operations and Production Management (ABS 4*).

 Alireza is the member of Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) as the practitioner. Alongside that, Alireza is the Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA), and used to be the member of Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS), and member of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) that is co-joint professional body with Chartered Institute of Operations Management (CIOM). Alireza is also a certified Lean Six Sigma Green belt with professional capability of leading on lean Six Sigma projects.  

 Alireza is keen on working with local, national and international businesses and he is the strong believer on "Research in Practice". Alireza is currently working with leading organisations such as UK National Health Services (NHS) and many other local and national SMEs and large organsiations in the service and manufacturign sector. 


Alireza Shokri

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • A bibliometric analysis of the Quality Management Journal: 10 years of publications and the pathway forward, Antony, J., Singh, N., Vij, P., Foster Jr, T., Sony, M., McDermott, O., Shokri, A., Kapur, B. 2 Jul 2024, In: Quality Management Journal
  • Analysis of factors influencing Circular-Lean-Six Sigma 4.0 implementation considering sustainability implications: An exploratory study, Skalli, D., Charkaouiai, A., Cherrafi, A., Shokri, A., Garza-Reyes, J., Antony, J. 2 Jun 2024, In: International Journal of Production Research
  • Analyzing the integrated effect of circular economy, Lean Six Sigma, and Industry 4.0 on sustainable manufacturing performance from a practice-based view perspective, Skalli, D., Charkaoui, A., Cherrafi, A., Garza-Reyes, J., Antony, J., Shokri, A. 1 Feb 2024, In: Business Strategy and the Environment
  • Challenges of achieving digital transformation in manufacturing firms: the case of predictive maintenance and spare part inventory management, Skoumpopoulou, D., Toliyat, S., Ojra, A., Shokri, A., Hu, S. 10 Sep 2024, In: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
  • Integrating Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0: Developing a Design Science Research-Based LSS4.0 Framework for Operational Excellence, Skalli, D., Cherrafi, A., Charkaoui, A., Chiarini, A., Shokri, A., Antony, J., Garaza-Reyes, J., Foster, M. 19 Apr 2024, In: Production Planning & Control
  • Integrating spare part inventory management and predictive maintenance as a digital supply chain solution, Shokri, A., Toliyat, S., Hu, S., Skoumpopoulou, D. 24 Sep 2024, In: Journal of Modelling in Management
  • Integration of Blockchain and Lean Six Sigma approach for operational excellence: A proposed model, Rathi, R., Singh, M., Antony, J., Garza-Reyes, J., Goyat, R., Shokri, A. 27 Aug 2024, In: International Journal of Lean Six Sigma
  • Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0 implementation Framework for Operational Excellence: A Case Study, Tissir, S., Cherrafi, A., Chiarini, A., Elfezazi, S., Shokri, A., Antony, J. 3 Jul 2024, In: Total Quality Management and Business Excellence

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Digital Spare Parts Supply Chain: An Integrated Solution of Spare Parts Inventory Management and PredictiveMaintenance, Shokri, A. (Principal Investigator), Innovate UK, 01/04/21 - 30/09/21, £79,531.00
  • Cultural investigation for green implementation of Lena Six Sigma projects in the manufacturing sector, Shokri, A. (Principal Investigator), British Academy, 01/01/19 - 31/07/19, £8,616.00
  • Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3 MSCA RISE Project No 734824, Pearce, A. (Principal Investigator), Shokri, A. (Co Investigator), European Commission, 14/12/16 - 30/12/20, £769,355.00

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Invited talk: Investigating management decision making and readiness in SMEs: how technology-driven development effects long-term productivity growth 2024
  • Organising a conference, workshop, ...: The Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management On-line Conference 2020
  • Organising a conference, workshop, ...: GETM3 Sandpit Dublin 2020 2020
  • Organising a conference, workshop, ...: ISME Lean Six Sigma/Lean Workshop for SMEs 2019
  • Invited talk: Flyer for ISME and GETM3 SandPit Lean Six Sigma talk for irish businesses 2019
  • Invited talk: Lean Six Sigma workshop invited by ISME 2019
  • Visiting an external academic institution: Technological University Dublin 2019
  • Organising a conference, workshop, ...: GETM3 Sandpit Dublin 2019 2019
  • Publication Peer-review: Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (Publisher) 2019
  • Oral presentation: LSS awareness workshop to be presented to the Slovenian Government 2018

  • Modupe Ferreira PhD Start Date: 01/12/2021
  • Mohammed Sharaf AI-driven B2B supply chain automation: process, model and framework Start Date: 03/01/2022
  • Mahmoud Ramezani The role of continuous improvement methodologies in manufacturing SMEs to promote regional economic growth: A case study of the UK Northern Powerhouse Start Date: 01/03/2019 End Date: 24/03/2023
  • Natasha Smith Operational Framework for a Collaborative Digital Supply Chain Excellence Hub: A Case Study of a Human-focused Centre in The North of England. Start Date: 01/10/2023
  • Fredrick Sheshe An Investigation into supply chain risk factors and their impact on performance of humanitarian pharmaceutical supply chain in Sub-Sahara Africa - A case study of the supply chain system for UNICEF Tanzania Start Date: 19/01/2016 End Date: 12/11/2018
  • Paul Dobson Start Date: 01/10/2024 End Date: 25/10/2024

  • Education PGCHE August 30 2013
  • Food Science PhD January 10 2011
  • Food Science MSc June 30 2010
  • Fellow (FHEA) Higher Education Academy (HEA) 2014
  • Member Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) 2014
  • Information not provided Chartered Management Institute (CMI) 2011
  • Information not provided Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST) 2011

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