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Seminar 2

Comparing stakeholder discourses about genetic technologies.

Seminar 2 (16th March 2016):

Wed, 16 March 2016, 12:00 – 18:00, Department of Chemistry Room CG218, Science Site, South Road, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LE, UK

Comparing stakeholder discourses about genetic technologies

The discussion in this seminar will focus on comparing and analysing the promissory narratives of various communities involved in the production and use of phenotyping, ancestry informative markers, and next generation sequencing. Expected impacts and safety discourses form the focus of the event.


12:00—13:00 Registration & lunch
13:00—13:15 Welcome (Matthias Wienroth)
13:15—14:15 Session I – Framing the use of forensic genetic innovations

Chair: Erica Haimes

1. Gillian Tully: ‘Quality standards for forensic genetics: Current & future challenges’
2. Helen Wallace: (tba)
14:15—15:15 Session II – Providing innovative DNA services
Chair: Robin Williams
1. Angela Gallop: (tba)
2. Sheila Willis: (tba)
15:15—15:45 Refreshments
15:45—16:45 Session III – The use of new and emergent forensic genetic technologies
Chair: Ernesto Schwartz-Marin
1. Shazia Khan: (tba)
2. Felicity Carlysle: ‘Phenotyping: Making the technology operational’
16:45—17:45 Plenum discussion – Opportunities, gaps and themes for research & policy work
Chair: Chris Lawless
17:45—18:00 Close




Bursaries for Early Career Researchers are available and will be granted on a first-come, first-serve basis. The bursary can cover reasonable travel costs and accommodation for together up to £250. Bursary holders will be asked to write a brief report about the seminar discussions for the seminar series website. Please contact for further information.


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