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Contribution to the Regional Economy

North East Local Enterprise Partnership

Newcastle Business School is closely working with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NE LEP) which works collaboratively to develop a more competitive economy for the North East and create more jobs.   

In 2018, Professors David Charles and Joyce Liddle wrote a report for the North East Future Finance Commission which examined the need for future funding for regional development post Brexit and the loss of European funds. The report sought to identify the combination of EU and national funding received in the previous couple of decades. This material was used by the LEP to identify future funding needs from the new Shared Prosperity Fund.  

In early 2020, Prof Charles was invited to be part of a team to develop an entrepreneurship strategy for the region. The LEP was one of six chosen by the government to work with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on the MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Programme (REAP) programme. Over the last year the North East Team has worked with MIT to investigate the entrepreneurship problem in the region and identify ways to help increase the number of new innovation driven enterprises.  

After the emergence of COVID-19, a North East COVID-19 Economic Response Group was set up to help provide business resilience and coordinate a response to the economic impact of the pandemic. The REAP project has been made one of the work packages to help address this. 

Polish migration  

Professor Ian Fitzgerald undertook some of the first research into new Polish migration following the 2004 accession. Regionally he provided support to the TUC and regional governance agencies. It also led to engagement with the Polish Academy of Science and research here on moral panics, as well as the TUC research, supported accession migrants integration into local communities. As well as workplace training on anti-racism. The research also involved national UK expert research and being invited to be one of four academic experts in the High Court case on the blacklisting of, mainly construction, workers. 

Wind farms in the North East

In response to local concern, Professor Tom Mordue led a research project to ascertain the impact of wind farms in the North East and whether it can negatively impact tourism. The results have helped stimulate further debate and support government planning authorities to pursue their sustainable energy objectives.  

Open North Foundation

The School has recently signed a strategic partnership with the Open North Foundation to allow pandemic hit businesses access support. The school will offer resources, expertise and free consultancy to help businesses in response to COVID-19. 

Northumbria Business Clinic

The Northumbria Business Clinic provides free consultancy advice to SMEs, multi-nationals and not for profit organisations who are looking to grow by taking their business in a new direction, explore new challenges or require fresh eyes to help them succeed. On Wednesday 21 April, the Fellow-led Newcastle Network will explore The Business Clinic’s contribution to the North East business support eco-system and collaboration with regional partners, as well as the role The Business Clinic has played in increasing growth and productivity in SME’s. Find out more and book





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