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Staff Profiles

Staff engaged in entrepreneurship, innovation and SME's research

Enrepreneurship, Innovation & SMEs

NBS Ignaziocabras Staffprofile 255Dr Ignazio Cabras
Reader in Economics, Business and Management at Newcastle Business School.
PhD, PgCert, MSc(Ebor), BSc(Hons) 
Before joining NBS, Ignazio worked at the universities of York, Edinburgh Napier, and Central Lancashire. His research interests are focused on economics and environment...more>>

 NBS Petergalvin Staffprofile 100Professor Peter Galvin

Leader, Strategic Management and International Business PhD, B.Com (Hons)
Peter joined Newcastle Business School in 2011 and is presently the academic leader for strategic management. His previous appointment was as the MBA Director at Curtin University. Peter has previously... more>>

Dr Graeme Heron
Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader, Business Analysis Systems and Supply Chain Management
Graeme is the programme leader for the BA (Hons) Logistics & Supply Chain Management degree programme, having progressed through the Graduate Tutor scheme and successfully gaining his PhD in 2011. His... 

Dr Pushkar P Jha
Reader, Strategic Management and International Business
PhD, MPhil, PGDRM (eq. MBA)
Pushkar Jha joined NBS in March 2013 seeking to support the momentum of NBS's growth as a research oriented school. About six years out of his PhD at Cass Business School, he has published in Research Policy,... more>>

NBS Lucylu Staffprofile 100Dr Lucy Lu
Senior Lecturer, Marketing Travel and Tourism Management
PhD, MA, BA (Hons), BSc (Hons)
Lucy is a senior lecturer in Marketing. She obtained her doctorate from the Business School, Loughborough University. Prior to joining Newcastle Business School, Lucy was a postdoctoral research assistant... more>>

NBS Alirezashokri Staffprofile 100Dr Alireza Shokri
Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader
PhD MSc BSc (Hons) MCIPS CIEH Cert
Alireza joined the NBS in Jan 2011 as lecturer in logistics and supply chain management. His previous role was in food Supply network and logistics as the procurement, stock control and project manager... more>>

NBS Iliasvlachos Staffprofile 100Dr Ilias Vlachos
Senior Lecturer
Ilias is a Senior Lecturer in Logistics & Supply Chain Management with Northumbria University. He holds a PhD from Cranfield University, UK. From 2002-2012, Ilias was assistant professor in the... more>>

Dr Roseline Wanjiru
Lecturer PhD, MA
Roseline recently joined the Newcastle Business School as Lecturer in International Business and Strategic Management, having previously worked at the University of Leeds and the University of Huddersfield.... more>>

NBS Teresawaring Staffprofile 100Professor Teresa Waring
DPhil, MSc, PG Cert, BSc
Teresa Waring is Professor of Business Systems and Information Management and joined Newcastle Business School in 2007. She has held posts at Newcastle University where she was a Senior Lecturer and at... more>>

Professor Jason Whalley
Professor of Strategic Management and International Business
Jason has more than a decade's experience as an academic. His research focuses on the telecommunications industry, examining how the structure of telecommunications markets has changed over it and the consequences... more>>


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