Are you looking to develop the competencies that are required to become an Approved Clinician for the purposes of the Mental Health Act 1983?
Are you a medical practitioner without a certificate of specialist registration, psychologist, mental health/learning disability nurse, occupational therapist or social worker?
As a professional practice course, there are no specific topics that must be covered. Instead the emphasis is very much on what you need to study in order to prepare yourself for the Approved Clinician role and/or to continue your professional development.
At the start of the Postgraduate Certificate you will be encouraged to write a learning contract that identifies your specific learning objectives on which you will have feedback from a University Mentor. You will then work towards meeting these objectives through undertaking further continuing professional development (CPD) attending study days offered by the University, reflecting on your CPD and ultimately through completion of a work-based project. On completion of the Postgraduate Certificate you should have developed many skills and much of the knowledge you need to make an application to be an Approved Clinician.
Year Two: Optional 12 months of 'Bolt-On' support.
Learners who are awarded the Postgraduate Certificate are eligible for a further 12 months of support the aim of which is to aid them to gain AC approval within that time period. Each learner will be offered a University Mentor (UM) who will encourage them to self assess their progress and to identify and plan professional development opportunities as required to evidence the necessary AC competencies. The UMs attached to the programme are experienced ACs from a range of professional backgrounds and located across England. Learners will take personal responsibility for arranging meetings with their UM at times that are mutually convenient to them. Tripartite meetings between learner, UM and work-based mentor are also encouraged.
During this second year learners will be invited to attend additional CPD events and workshops (dates to follow) where speakers will include experienced and recently approved ACs; lawyers; medics and tribunal members.
Learners will also have the opportunity to engage in the highly recommended Simulated Tribunal Training where their skills in giving oral evidence and in Tribunal report writing will be honed.
This additional Bolt-On support is available to learners to access for as long as they need it up to a maximum of 12 months. There are no University coursework requirements in this period with the focus on portfolio development.
Please view our September 2023 study dates via the link below which are listed on page 4.
PG Cert - September 2023 Study Dates and Information