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Professor Malcolm von Schantz

Deputy Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor

Department: Psychology

Malcolm von Schantz is an internationally recognised researcher and an experienced educator, who received his training in Sweden, the United States, and the UK. He has recently joined Northumbria from the University of Surrey, where he also served in leaderships positions as Associate Dean (International) and acting Pro-Vice Chancellor (International Relations). He is also an Honorary Professor at the Univeristy of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. He has received over £6.4 million in research funding from public and private sources including MRC, Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation, and US Air Force Office of Scientific Research. He currently holds research funding from the Academy of Medical Sciences (Newton Fund) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). His research has been published in high-impact international journals and presented both at major scientific conferences and in broadcast, print, and web-based media worldwide.

Malcolm von Schantz

My research focuses on circadian rhythms and sleep in humans, their molecular determinants, and their relationship with physical and mental health.

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Altered sleep architecture in diabetes and prediabetes: findings from the Baependi Heart Study, Chen, D., Taporoski, T., Alexandria, S., Aaby, D., Beijamini, F., Krieger, J., von Schantz, M., Pereira, A., Knutson, K. 1 Jan 2024, In: Sleep
  • Do not take their word for it—moving towards objective measures in sleep epidemiology, von Schantz, M., Knutson, K. 1 Mar 2024, In: Sleep
  • Gender differences in the relationship between sleep and age in a Brazilian cohort: the Baependi Heart Study, Taporoski, T., Beijamini, F., Alexandria, S., Aaby, D., von Schantz, M., Pereira, A., Knutson, K. 29 Jan 2024, In: Journal of Sleep Research
  • Investigating light sensitivity in bipolar disorder (HELIOS-BD), Roguski, A., Needham, N., MacGillivray, T., Martinovic, J., Dhillon, B., Riha, R., Armstrong, L., Campbell, I., Ferguson, A., Hilgen, G., Lako, M., Ritter, P., Santhi, N., von Schantz, M., Spitschan, M., Smith, D. 6 May 2024, In: Wellcome Open Research
  • The British Sleep Society position statement on Daylight Saving Time in the UK, Crawford, M., Winnebeck, E., von Schantz, M., Gardani, M., Miller, M., Revell, V., Hare, A., Horton, C., Durrant, S., Steier, J. 5 Sep 2024, In: Journal of Sleep Research
  • Delayed circadian rhythms in older Africans living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Redman, K., O'Brien, K., Ruiz, F., Rae, D., Gómez-Olivé, F., von Schantz, M., Scheuermaier, K. 1 Jan 2023, In: Journal of Pineal Research
  • Predicting depressive symptoms in middle-aged and elderly adults using sleep data and clinical health markers: a machine learning approach, Basilio Silva Gomez, S., von Schantz, M., Miguel, M. 1 Feb 2023, In: Sleep Medicine
  • 0177 Relationship Between Sleep Architecture and Age by Gender in Brazil: Baependi Heart Study, Taporoski, T., Beijamini, F., Alexandria, S., Zumpf, K., von Schantz, M., Pereria, A., Knutson, K. 1 Jun 2022, In: Sleep
  • Effect of HIV Infection on Sleep and Chronotype in an Ageing Rural South African Cohort, O'Brien, K., Redman, K., Gómez-Olivé, F., Rae, D., Scheuermaier, K., von Schantz, M. 1 Dec 2022
  • Sleep Disturbances in HIV Infection and their Biological Basis, O'Brien, K., Riddell, N., Gomez-Olivé, X., Rae, D., Scheuermaier, K., von Schantz, M. 1 Oct 2022, In: Sleep Medicine Reviews

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Invited talk: External time and internal clocks, and what happens when they disagree 2024
  • Invited talk: When external and internal time disagree 2024
  • Participating in a conference, workshop, ...: 17th International Symposium on Neuropsychiatry & HIV 2024
  • Oral presentation: Disorders of sleep timing 2023
  • Invited talk: Studying sleep in a global context 2023
  • Invited talk: Back to the future: circadian rhythm disorders – sleep, shift work and travel 2023
  • Invited talk: Disorders of sleep timing 2023
  • Oral presentation: Delayed circadian rhythms in older Africans living with HIV 2022
  • Oral presentation: Defining robust sleep phenotypes for human genetic population studies 2022
  • Oral presentation: The UN sustainable development goals and their relevance to sleep research and sleep medicine 2022

Zoology PhD December 10 1994

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