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Approvals and Review

Here at Northumbria, students are at the heart of what we do. It is therefore important that they are included in every element of our business, and this includes programme design and quality assurance. We continuously engage with our students to seek their views on their experiences here at Northumbria (for further information on how we consult, see 'related links'); and when changes need to be made we actively involve students in this process. 


Programme Framework for Northumbria Awards (PFNA)


PFNA was initially rolled out across the University in 2016/17, as the framework against which all programmes are designed from that point onwards. Our students were a major part of this implementation, with the Students' Union playing a leading role to engage with current students as PFNA reviewers to assess documentation provided to students by each department.


Prior to creating a new programme, design teams in each Faculty are now required to engage with all current students on their programmes in the initial stages of programme re-design or alignment. This can be achieved through a variety of mechanisms, such as in informal welcome sessions; tutorials; via student representatives; or in Staff-Student Programme Committees / Student Forum meetings.


Following the PFNA implementation, students continue to form part of the University Approvals Panel, which formally approves all new programmes and ensures that they meet the requirements of PFNA.


For further information on the PFNA Framework and how programmes are designed, contact Academic Registry.



Periodic Review


As part of its ongoing review framework, the University regularly conducts Periodic Reviews at departmental level, which take an in-depth look at the performance of programmes within that department and the views of students and staff, and assesses how well it is performing overall. Student representatives are engaged with this process and sit alongside colleagues from other parts of the University on the assessing Panel as formal reviewers of the department.


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