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Reimagining Co-operation: Supporting the principles and practice of co-operative organisations in a time of crisis

Researchers: Professor Tony Webster 

The financial crisis which engulfed the UK Co-operative Bank in 2013 threatened to undermine confidence in the broader co-operative model. Research undertaken and led by Professor Tony Webster at Northumbria University provided leading figures within the UK Co-operative Group, and associated organisations within the wider co-operative sector, with a better understanding of their global heritage and the continued relevance of commercial practices pioneered by the movement. The findings helped to renew confidence in the co-operative business model, improving the work of governing bodies such as the Co-op National Members Council. The research also supported new learning activities with local initiatives in the UK and recent collaborations with the social-enterprise sector in Australia, both of which helped to promote new community-led economic activity, aligned with co-operative principles.

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