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Staff Profiles

Staff engaged in advanced materials and manufacturing research

Advanced Materials and Manufacturing

EE Ulugbek Azimov Staffprofile 100Dr Ulugbek Azimov
Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD
I joined Northumbria University in September 2013 after serving at Curtin University in Malaysia as a Senior Lecturer and a Head of Mechanical Engineering department. I also worked as a postdoctoral research... more>>


EE Neilbeattie Staffprofile 100Dr Neil S Beattie
Senior Lecturer
BSc, PhD Physics
I am a condensed matter experimental physicist that specialises in low-dimensional semiconductor devices. After gaining a degree in physics from the University of Strathclyde I joined the Semiconductor... more>>


EE Martinbirkett Staffprofile 100Dr Martin Birkett
Senior Lecturer
BEng (Hons), PhD, MIET
I joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at Northumbria University in 2011 as a Lecturer in Manufacturing Technology. Prior to this I worked in the manufacturing industry for sixteen years and also... more>>


EE Ian Forbes Staffprofile 100Dr Ian Forbes
Reader (Photovoltaics), Operations Manager - PV Cell Test Facility
PhD, PgD, BSc (Hons)
I am a Reader in the Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering, at Northumbria. As an active researcher in the field of photovoltaics, my mission is to contribute to transforming the way the world... more>>


EE Drdavidgao Staffprofile 100Dr David (Zhiwei) Gao
Senior Lecturer
PhD, Senior Member of IEEE
Dr Gao received the B.Eng. degree in electric engineering and automation, and the M.Eng. and PhD degrees in systems engineering from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 1987, 1993, and 1996, respectively....more>>


EE Drfawadinam Staffprofile 100Dr Fawad Inam
Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader, Mechanical Engineering
Dr Inam joined Northumbria University in May 2013 after being with Airbus’ Advanced Composite Training and Development Centre and Glyndŵr University as Programme Leader and Lecturer (Jan 2011 – Apr 2013).... more>>


Staff PlaceholderDr Valery Kozhevnikov
Senior Lecturer
BSc, MSc, PhD
After his PhD (2000), in synthetic organic chemistry at Urals State University, Ekaterinburg, Dr Valery N. Kozhevnikov chose the area of luminescent materials to further his career and has already successfully... more>>


Staff PlaceholderDr Frank Lewis
Anniversary Research Fellow
PhD in Organic Chemistry
Frank Lewis is University Anniversary Research Fellow in the Department of Chemical and Forensic Sciences. He is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin where he obtained his PhD in Organic Chemistry in... more>>


EE Profkhamidmahk Staffprofile 100Professor Khamid Mahkamov
Chair in Mechanical Engineering
Khamid Mahkamov has MEng and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Bauman Moscow Technical University in the field of Heat Engines. Prior to joining Northumbria University in 2011 he worked in the Academy... more>>


EE Glenmchale Staffprofile 100Professor Glen McHale
Executive Dean of Faculty and Professor of Applied & Materials Physics
BSc (H), PhD, C.Phys., FInstP, FHEA, SMIEEE
To be part of a Faculty that helps students and staff to grow and fulfil their aspirations, to provide inspiration of what can be achieved in life, and to gain skills and knowledge relevant to the world... more>>


EE Ref Islam Shyha Staffprofile 255Dr Islam Shyha
Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons)
I joined Northumbria University as a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering in January 2013. Prior joining the University I worked in a collaborative research project between Rolls Royce and The University... more>>


Staff PlaceholderDr Christophe Trabi
Research Fellow BSc (H), PhD
I joined Northumbria in 2012 as a Research Associate and became a Research Fellow in 2013. I initially studied M ésure Physique in France before obtaining my first degree and then PhD in Liquid Crystal....more>>


Staff PlaceholderDr Gary George Wells
Anniversary Research Fellow BSc (Hons), PhD, MInstP
I joined Northumbria University as an Anniversary Research Fellow in 2013. I gained a PhD in Physics from Nottingham Trent University In 2009, where I won the Sharp, SID 2009, best student award, for my... more>>


EE Benxu Staffprofile 100Dr Ben Bin Xu
Lecturer in Mechanical and Construction Engineering
PhD, MRSC, Member of ACS, Member of APS
It was May 2013 when I started as a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering department in Faculty of Environment and Engineering, after I finished my 2nd year postdoc research associate contract in University... more>>



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