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2016/17 Full-time EU Undergraduate Scholarships

The following information is for students who are ordinarily resident in a European Union (EU) nation and are eligible to pay UK/Home student fees. All scholarship information relates to students joining the University in the 2016/17 academic year.

2016/17 EU Undergraduate Academic Excellence Scholarships

The University will be offering an academic excellence scholarship of £1,000 to eligible European Union (EU) students.  Students must meet specific academic requirements to be eligible for the scholarship. A summary of academic requirements by country is shown below: 




Reifeprüfungszeugnis/Maturazeugnis (High School Leaving Certificate)   with an overall grade of 1.5 (befriedigend/satisfactory) – with grade 4 being the minimum for any subject.


Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur; Getuignschrift van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs; or Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe Sekundarunterrichts with an overall grade of 8.0


Diplomaza Sredno Obrazonvaine (Diploma of Secondary Education) with a minimum overall score of 5.5


Svjedodžba o Maturi 4.0

Cyprus (EU)

Greek-Cypriot: Apolytirion (final year from the Lyceum - School Leaving Certificate) with an overall grade of 18.5 or above.

Czech Republic

Maturita/Maturitni Zkouška

Vysvedcení/Maturitní Zkoušcewith an overall score of at least 1.8. 


Studentereksamen (or equivalent) or Højere Forberedelseseksamen Grade 11 (out of 13) on old grading system or 10 (out of 12) under the new scale


Ylioppilastutkinoto/Studentexamen (Matriculation Certificate) with an   overall grading of Eximia cum laude approbatur (6)


Baccalauréat Général, Option Internationale du Baccalauréator Baccalauréat Technologique (in a related subject area) with a minimum overall grade of 13.5


Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur) overall grade of 1.5


Apolytirion (including the Pan-Hellenic exams) with an overall score of 18.5 or above


Érettségi (High School Leaving Certificate) with a minimum of 5


360 UCAS tariff points from Honours/Highers level


Diploma di Esame di Stato with an overall score of at least 85/100 or above


Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību (Certificate of General   Secondary Education) with an overall average of 8.5


Brandos Atestatas (matura) with grade 8.5


Matriculation Certificate – Advanced level with a grade of A


Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) or Diploma Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs, niveau 4 (MBO) – with an overall grade of 8.5


Matura with overall average of 85% with 70% average in extended level subjects.


Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação with a minimum 18 points.


Romanian Diploma de Bacalaureat with an overall grade of 8.5 or above


Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej Skúške/Maturita (School leaving certificate) with a 1.5 or above


Matura with a minimum grade of 4.5


Titulo de Bachiller with a minimum overall grade of 8.5


Avgångsbetyg / Slutbetyg overall grade of VG (Godkänd/pass)    New system: B average across all subjects 

All EU nations outwith UK 

A-Levels – 360-399 UCAS tariff points

IB – 29-30 points

If your country is not shown, please contact for further information. 

Terms and Conditions

In addition to achieving the necessary level of qualifications all students must:

  • Make an application to Northumbria University via the UCAS main scheme (and choose us as your firm choice), Extra, Adjustment or Clearing and be made an offer of a place.
  • Be studying on a full-time basis and paying standard Home tuition fees of £9,000 per year of study.
  • Be ordinarily resident in an European Union (EU) nation outwith the UK and Home for the purposes of fees.
  • Enrol with Northumbria University on or before the enrolment deadline (anticipated to be 3rd October 2016).
  • Be applying and studying for their first Higher Education qualification.
  • Register with Student Finance England (SFE)*

*Registering with Student Finance England (SFE) does not commit you to incur a loan or any other commitment unless you wish to do so.  However, it will not be possible for the University to make scholarship payments until you are fully registered with SFE.  This process will take a minimum of 6 weeks but can often take longer.  SFE will administer payment of the academic scholarship on behalf of the University.  Payment will be made direct to your bank account. You will receive 25% in November, 25% in February and 50% in May.  

Please note the following students will not be eligible to receive a Northumbria Academic Excellence Scholarship in 2016.

  • Students funded by the NHS
  • Students undertaking PGCE courses leading to QTS
  • Students continuing directly from one course to another (eg from Foundation Degrees, Diploma of Higher Education, BTEC HND to the second, third or final year of an Honours degree).
  • Students with Access to HE Diplomas
  • Students transferring in from another institution
  • Students who do not meet the definition of a EU Home fee status student as specified above.  

If you owe the University tuition fees or have other outstanding debt during any year of study then payment will not be made until the debt is cleared and you may be withdrawn from the scheme. 



Home – students who are ordinarily resident in a European Union (EU) nation are normally eligible to pay the same fees as students who are ordinarily resident in the UK, often referred to as ‘Home’ fees.  Further information can be found by referring to the UKCISA website

Scholarship – a financial award given to students who meet the academic threshold as determined by the scheme.

Team Northumbria Athlete Scholarships

Here at Northumbria University, we are committed to raising the bar and helping you realise your ambitions as a performance athlete.

Along with excellent scholarship packages which can offer funding towards accommodation and fees, we can also provide a range of support packages offering up to £2,000 of support for Performance Athletes.  Find out more here.

Undergraduate Fees & Funding

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