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Dr Sergio Gonzalez Sanchez

Assistant Professor

Department: Mechanical and Construction Engineering

Dr. Gonzalez is Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering. He received his PhD in Materials Physics at Complutense University of Madrid and PhD research work was carried out at the National Centre for Metallurgical Research (CENIM-CSIC) in Spain.

His research is focused on metallurgy, rapid solidification and processing-structure-property relationships, he has received funding from EPSRC, Royal Society, Innovate UK, IOP, Fellowships from Spain (Juan de la Cierva and FPI to pursue his PhD), funding from Japan (internal funding from WPI), Marie Curie travel grant and SRUK Short Term Mobility Fellowship.

He is fellow member of IoM3 (FIMMM), chartered scientist, chartered engineer, full member of EPSRC peer reviewer college, Fellow of the higher education academy (FHEA), British Engineering Excellence Award Finalist and invited editorial board member of numerous journals

Sergio Gonzalez Sanchez

Campus Address

Wynne-Jones Building (room WJ202)

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Design and mechanosynthesis of Low-Weight High-Entropy Alloys with hydrogen storage potential properties, Martinez-Garcia, A., Estrada-Guel, I., Reguera, E., Amaro-Hernandez, R., González, S., Garay-Reyes, C., Martínez-Sánchez, R. 2 Jan 2024, In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
  • Effect of Co content on electrochemical hydrogen kinetics properties of single-phase BCC-type MgAlTiCoxNi high entropy alloys used as a negative electrode in basic and acidic electrolyte, Martinez-Garcia, A., Orozco-Carmona, V., Mendoza-Duarte, J., Juarez-Arellano, E., González, S., Ruiz-Esparza-Rodriguez, M., Estrada-Guel, I., Garay-Reyes, C., Sánchez, R. 1 Sep 2024, In: Electrochimica Acta
  • Enhancement of the Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of Al-Mg-Si and Al-Mg-Zn Ternary Systems After a T8 Heat Treatment, Atanacio-Sánchez, X., Garay-Reyes, C., Martínez-García, A., Estrada-Guel, I., Mendoza-Duarte, J., Guerrero-Seañez, P., González Sánchez, S., Rocha-Rangel, E., de Jesús Cruz-Rivera, J., Gutiérrez-Castañeda, E., Martínez-Sánchez, R. 13 Nov 2024, In: Metals
  • Enhancing wear resistance of sustainable CuZr SMA by promoting stress-induced martensitic transformation, Younes, A., Garay-Reyes, C., Martínez-Sánchez, R., González, S. 13 Aug 2024, 1st International conference on advances in novel materials, Melville, US, AIP Publishing
  • Influence of the sintering method on microstructure and microhardness of AlCuNiSnZn-based high-entropy brasses and bronzes obtained by powder metallurgy, Laguna-Zubia, L., Garay-Reyes, C., Guerrero-Seañez, P., Ruiz-Esparza-Rodríguez, M., Mendoza-Duarte, J., Estrada-Guel, I., Gonzalez Sanchez, S., Martinez-Garcia, A., Martínez-Sánchez, R. 1 Apr 2024, In: Vacuum
  • Study of strengthening mechanisms in Al-Cu and Al-Cu-Mg systems subjected to plastic deformation and T6 treatment, García-Hernández, L., Garay-Reyes, C., Ruiz-Esparza-Rodríguez, M., García-Aguirre, K., Estrada-Guel, I., González, S., Mendoza-Duarte, J., Camarillo-Cisneros, J., Guía-Tello, J., Martinez-Garcia, A., Martínez-Sánchez, R. 21 Aug 2024, In: Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly
  • Abrasive Wear Behavior of Al–4Cu–1.5Mg–WC Composites Synthesized through Powder Metallurgy, Rodríguez-Cabriales, G., Garay-Reyes, C., Guía-Tello, J., Medrano-Prieto, H., Estrada-Guel, I., García-Hernández, L., Ruiz-Esparza-Rodríguez, M., Mendoza-Duarte, J., García-Aguirre, K., Gonzalez Sanchez, S., Martínez-Sánchez, R. 27 Feb 2023, In: Lubricants
  • A New Cooling-Rate-Dependent Machine Learning Feature for the Design of Thermally Sprayed High-Entropy Alloys, Kamnis, S., Sfikas, A., Gonzalez Sanchez, S., Karantzalis, A., Georgatis, E. 1 Mar 2023, In: Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
  • Computational and experimental investigation of the strain rate sensitivity of small punch testing of the high-entropy alloy CoCrFeMnNi, González, S., Sfikas, A., Kamnis, S., John, S., Nye, Z., Spink, M., Allen, C., Martínez-Sánchez, R., Win Naung, S., Rahmati, M., Keil, T., Durst, K., Lancaster, R. 5 Mar 2023, In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds
  • Effect of Processing Methods on The Electrical Conductivity Properties of Silver-Polyurethane Composite Films (Experimental and Numerical Studies), Mehvari, S., Goodhew, B., González Sanchez, S., Lafdi, K., Sanchez Vicente, Y. 1 Dec 2023, In: Journal of Composite Materials

  • Physics PhD June 30 2008
  • Fellow (FHEA) Higher Education Academy (HEA) 2016

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