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Dr Riad Shams

Assistant Professor

Department: Newcastle Business School

Riad is a senior lecturer in marketing at the Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University. He has extensive academic and industry experience. Prior to joining Nor­thumbria in July 2019, Riad worked in academia and industry in Austra­lia, Bangladesh, and Russia. He has completed his doctoral research from Central Queensland University, and his PGCAP from Northumbria University. His MBA (Major in Marketing) and BBA (Honours in Marketing) were awarded by the Uni­versity of Dhaka. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.  

Riad has co-authored a core textbook, ‘Marketing Management: Past, Present and Future’ (which is currently in its 4th edition) for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate teaching. In terms of his teaching, Riad has significant experience in designing, leading, delivering, and evaluating traditional and blended curricula based on synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning materials through online, face-to-face, and distance learning methods. As part of his senior managerial roles, Riad is programme leader for Business with Marketing Management, and leads on ‘strategic marketing’ and ‘strategic marketing for sustainable competitive advantage’ modules on the MSc Marketing and Business Programmes both for regular students and distance learning students.  

He delivered an invited keynote at the SIDREA International Conference in January 2020, which was sponsored by the Sapienza University of Rome. He has published seventeen books, and contributed articles to top-tier marketing and business journals. He also has contributed a number of book chapters published by the Cambridge University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge and Emerald, and presented work-in-progress and research posters in different academic conferences including the Academy of Marketing.   

His research attempts to analyse the ‘cause and consequence of stakeholder relationships and interactions as a stakeholder causal scope’ to recognise stakeholders’ value anticipation, in order to co-create value in a way that the stakeholders expect and accept. Follow­ing this central cross-disciplinary and cross-functional focus, Riad pursues his research in the areas of strategic marketing and management for people, planet and profit; social business, cause-related marketing and sustainable development; digital marketing, social media marketing and exploring the (business and social) value of contemporary technologies; strategic agility and international marketing/business; corporate identity, image, reputation and brand management; entrepreneurship and innovation management; and pedagogical management. Riad supervises doctoral candidates in these areas, and he is open to accept enquires from prospective doctoral candidates who would like to work in these research areas.  

Riad is an associate editor of the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, and he guest edited for different reputable journals, including the International Marketing Review, Journal of Business ResearchJournal of International ManagementIndustrial Marketing Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, European Business Review, among others. He is the lead co-editor of the Annals of Business Research, co-editor of the Palgrave Studies in Cross-Disciplin­ary Business Research, and the editor-in-chief of the Interna­tional Journal of Big Data Management. He has led five international conference tracks in Europe and has been chairing the Marketing Research Interest Committee, EuroMed Academy of Business. 

Riad is a visiting academic at the Belgrade Banking Academy, and served as an external examiner at the University of Lincoln and the University of Nicosia. One of his recent papers has been recognised by Wiley as the top cited article in 2020 in strategy and entrepreneurship research. Riad obtained a second place in the Cambridge-Kent-Czinkota Competition for Excellence in International Business Research – 2019, and entered into the Kent Business School’s Honours Board. He received the Emerald Literati Award (Outstanding Paper) in 2019, the Emerald Literati Award (Outstanding Reviewer) in 2018, and the EuroMed Research Award in 2014. As per Google Scholar, Riad is the fifth most cited author in social business research.

Riad Shams

His research attempts to analyse the “cause and consequence of stakeholder relationships and interactions as a stakeholder causal scope” to recognise stakeholders' value anticipation, in order to co-create value in a way that the stakeholders expect and accept. Following this central cross-disciplinary and cross-functional research focus, Riad pursues his work in the following areas: 

strategic marketing and management for people, planet and profit;

- social business, cause-related marketing and sustainable development;

- digital marketing, social media marketing and exploring the (business and social) value of contemporary    technologies;

- strategic agility and international marketing/business;

- corporate identity, image, reputation and brand management;

- entrepreneurship and innovation management;

- and pedagogical management. 

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Addressing the complexity of stakeholder management in international ecological setting: A CSR approach, Khojastehpour, M., Shams, R. 1 Oct 2020, In: Journal of Business Research
  • Big data management: Implications of dynamic capabilities and data incubator, Shams, R., Solima, L. 20 Sep 2019, In: Management Decision
  • Triggering technological innovation through cross-border mergers and acquisitions: A micro-foundational perspective, Christofi, M., Vrontis, D., Thrassou, A., Shams, R. 1 Sep 2019, In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change
  • Comparative study on finance‐growth nexus in Malaysia and Indonesia: Role of institutional quality, Sohag, K., Shams, R., Omar, N., Chandrarin, G. Sep 2019, In: Strategic Change
  • Internal vs. external R&D teams: Evidences from the Italian wine industry, Giacomarra, M., Shams, S., Crescimanno, M., Sakka, G., Gregori, G., Galati, A. 1 May 2021, In: Journal of Business Research
  • Branding destination image: A stakeholder causal scope analysis for internationalisation of destinations, Shams, R. 2 Apr 2016, In: Tourism Planning and Development
  • Capacity building for sustained competitive advantage: A conceptual framework, Shams, R. 1 Aug 2016, In: Marketing Intelligence & Planning
  • Entrepreneurial co-creation: A research vision to be materialised, Shams, R., Kaufmann, H. 11 Jul 2016, In: Management Decision
  • Theorization and industry-based research project development: Bridging the industry–academia research gap., Shams, R., Thrassou, A. 1 Apr 2019, In: Industry and Higher Education
  • The impact of social media on international student recruitment: The case of Lebanon, Vrontis, D., El Nemar, S., Ouwaida, A., Shams, R. 8 May 2018, In: Journal of International Education in Business

  • Charlie Edge Urban Greenspace Management: A Sustainable Marketing Framework Start Date: 01/03/2023
  • Guangjin Su Determinants of Continuance Intention to Use Mobile Payments in China Start Date: 19/01/2021 End Date: 23/12/2022

Guest editorial contribution 

-          International Marketing Review (ABS – 3, ABDC – A); 

-          Industrial Marketing Management (ABS - 2, ABDC - A); 

-          Journal of International Management (ABS – 3, ABDC – A): 

-          Journal of Business Research (ABS – 3, ABDC – A); 

-          Asia Pacific Journal of Management (ABS - 3, ABDC - A); 

-          Technological Forecasting and Social Change (ABS - 3, ABDC - A);

-          Management Decision (ABS – 2, ABDC – B); 

-          European Business Review (ABS – 2, ABDC – B); 

-          Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (ABS – 2, ABDC – A); 

-          Journal of Social Entrepreneurship (ABS – 2); 

-          Tourism Management Perspectives (ABS – 2, ABDC – B); 

-          Journal of General Management (ABS – 2, ABDC – B); 

-          Journal of Place Management and Development (ABS – 2); 

-          EuroMed Journal of Business(ABS – 1, ABDC – C); 

-          Journal of International Education in Business (ABS – 1, ABDC – C); 

-          Journal of the Knowledge Economy (ABDC – C).


Other editorial contribution

-Editor-in-chief: International Journal of Big Data Management (;

-Lead co-editor: Annals of Business Research (;

-Co-editor: Palgrave Studies of Cross Disciplinary Business Research (;

-Co-editor: Cross-disciplinary Management Perspectives.


Editorial contribution to international conference

- Track Chair in entrepreneurship: The 7th EuroMed Academy of Business Conference, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway, September 18 – 19’ 2014     

- Track Chair in entrepreneurship and international business: The 9th EuroMed Academy of Business Conference, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, September 14 – 16’ 2016 

- Track Chair in entrepreneurship and international business: The 10th EuroMed Academy of Business Conference, “Sapienza” University of Rome, September 13 – 15’ 2017 

- Track Chair in entrepreneurship and international business: The 11th EuroMed Academy of Business Conference, University of Malta, Valletta, Malta, September 12 – 14’ 2018 

- Track Chair in the advent of smart technologies: sustainable business models, IFKAD – 2019, Matera, Italy, June 05 – 07, 2019.


Ad-hoc reviewing service

-          European Journal of Marketing (ABS ranking ‘3’; ABDC ranking ‘A*’);

-          Small Business Economics (ABS ranking ‘3’, ABDC ranking ‘A’);

-          Technological Forecasting and Social Change (ABS ranking ‘3’, ABDC ranking ‘A’);

-          Tecnology Analysis & Strategic Management (ABS ranking ‘2’);

-          Management Decision (ABS ranking ‘2’; ABDC ranking ‘2’);

-          British Food Journal (ABS ranking ‘1’);

-          Marketing Intelligence & Planning (ABDC ranking ‘A’);

-          Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (ABS ranking ‘2’);

-          Journal of  Transnational Management (ABDC ranking ‘C’);

-          Journal of Management Development (ABDC ranking ‘C’);

-          International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (ABDC ranking ‘C’);

-          Journal of Relationship Marketing (ABDC ranking ‘C’; ABS ranking ‘1’);

-          Journal of International Education in Business (ABDC ‘C’).


  • DBA
  • MBA
  • BA (Hons)
  • PGCE
  • FHEA

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