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Professor Peter McMeekin


Department: Nursing, Midwifery & Health

Peter McMeekin

I am a health economist who works primarily in economic evaluation of service provision.  I have worked extensively in acute stroke evaluating care pathways and treatments.

I lead the North East and North Cumbria Applied Research Collaboration's Linked Data and Digital Health sub-theme and am interested in the uses of linked data in evaluation as well as the role of digital technologies in improving health.  These interests link back to my career prior to health economics where I work as an economist developing software for risk management in international capital markets for ten years.

I am also particularly interested in transformation and change in healthcare provision:   

  • The processes through which innovation occurs and what facilitates these
  • The ecosystems that enable transformation and technical change.
  • How an innovative healthcare ecosystem can deliver wider benefits to regional economies

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • A lifetime economic model of mortality and secondary care use for patients discharged from hospital following acute stroke, McMeekin, P., McCarthy, S., McCarthy, A., Porteous, J., Allen, M., Laws, A., White, P., James, M., Ford, G., Shaw, L., Price, C. 1 Jan 2025, In: International Journal of Stroke
  • Practitioner, patient and public views on the acceptability of Mobile Stroke Units in England and Wales: a mixed methods study, Moseley, L., McMeekin, P., Price, C., Shaw, L., Laws, A., Allen, M., Ford, G., James, M., McCarthy, S., McClelland, G., Park, L., Pearn, K., Phillips, D., White, P., Wilson, D., Scott, J. 22 Jan 2025, In: PLoS One
  • Assessment of Visual Attention in Teams with or without Dedicated Team Leaders: A Neonatal Simulation-Based Pilot Randomised Cross-Over Trial Utilising Low-Cost Eye-Tracking Technology, Loganathan, P., Garg, A., McNicol, R., Wall, C., Pointon, M., McMeekin, P., Godfrey, A., Wagner, M., Roehr, C. 21 Aug 2024, In: Children
  • Bathing Adaptations in the Homes of Older Adults (BATH-OUT-2): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial, economic evaluation and process evaluation, Whitehead, P., Belshaw, S., Brady, S., Coleman, E., Dean, A., Doherty, L., Fairhurst, C., Francis-Farrell, S., Golding-Day, M., Gray, J., Martland, M., McAnuff, J., McCarthy, A., McMeekin, P., Mitchell, N., Narayanasamy, M., Newman, C., Parker, A., Rapley, T., Rodgers, S., Rooney, L., Russell, R., Sheard, L., Torgerson, D. 22 Jan 2024, In: Trials
  • Better understanding fall risk: AI-based computer vision for contextual gait assessment, Moore, J., McMeekin, P., Stuart, S., Morris, R., Celik, Y., Walker, R., Hetherington, V., Godfrey, A. 1 Nov 2024, In: Maturitas
  • Considering and understanding developmental and deployment barriers for wearable technologies in neurosciences, Wall, C., Celik, Y., Hetherington, V., McMeekin, P., Walker, R., Graham, L., Vitorio, R., Godfrey, A. 13 Mar 2024, In: Frontiers in Neuroscience
  • Contextualizing remote fall risk: Video data capture and implementing ethical AI, Moore, J., McMeekin, P., Parkes, T., Walker, R., Morris, R., Stuart, S., Hetherington, V., Godfrey, A. 6 Mar 2024, In: npj Digital Medicine
  • Costs of endovascular and open repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms, Gray, J., McCarthy, A., Samarakoon, D., McMeekin, P., Sharples, L., Sastry, P., Crawshaw, P., Bicknell, C. 1 Jan 2024, In: British Journal of Surgery
  • CuePD: An IoT approach for Enhancing Gait Rehabilitation in older adults through Personalised Music Cueing, Wall, C., Young, F., McMeekin, P., Hetherington, V., Walker, R., Morris, R., Barry, G., Celik, Y., Godfrey, A. 1 Oct 2024, In: IEEE Sensors Letters
  • Enhancing fall risk assessment: instrumenting vision with deep learning during walks, Moore, J., Catena, R., Fournier, L., Jamali, P., McMeekin, P., Stuart, S., Walker, R., Salisbury, T., Godfrey, A. 22 Jun 2024, In: Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Developing an NIHR Health and Social care Delivery Research (HSDR) national evaluation team: InterDisciplinary Evaluation of complex innovations in heAlth and Social care (IDEAS) Centre, Bate, A. (Principal Investigator), McMeekin, P. (Co Investigator), National Institute for Health Research, 01/02/25 - 31/01/30, £3,028,752.00
  • Determining the outcomes for autistic people in IAPT services: an explortive study, Greaves, J. (Principal Investigator), McMeekin, P. (Co Investigator), National Institute for Health Research, 01/01/22 - 31/03/23, £10,442.00

  • Sadie Diamond-Fox Advancing the Advanced Critical Care Practitioner (ACCP): An exploration of the impact and long-term sustainability of the ACCP role Start Date: 28/04/2021

  • Economics PhD December 01 2010
  • Economics MSc October 01 2005
  • Computing Science MSc October 01 1992
  • Economics BA (Hons) October 01 1990
  • Fellow (FHEA) Higher Education Academy (HEA) 2017

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